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Everything posted by Lhorn

  1. Of course it’s 95% a fake but theoretically she’s telling him “I starting feeling shitty this morning and I think I infected you.”
  2. I’m not aware of any news organization that’s not at least conceding the high probability that it’s a surveillance ballon. If you are confident that it isn’t, you are in a small minority on that.
  3. It was shot down. Correct me if I’m wrong but it sounds like you are saying we didn’t shoot it down because we didn’t feel it was a threat. In the time we spent watching it cross the continental US we learned nothing about its purpose except Chinese claims that it was benign. So why’d we shoot it down if we didn’t feel like it was a threat?
  4. Is killing valuable time on a company toilet at work a real problem?
  5. There’s no doubt I’ve made that face as I’ve gotten older, but I would have found TikTok dancing/ lip synching regarded at any age.
  6. “She also referenced the term "money hungry" and said "you guys know Joe" before hanging up.” Mom providing evidence for the DA.
  7. “What’s the deadline?” ”when do we kill this fucker?” Lol!!!
  8. The classes have been going on for weeks so I got involved late. It seems fun enough that I’ll definitely be going again and get some supplies to try more introductory type flies. Come spring/summer I’d like a hire a guide and get myself on the water and catching fish.
  9. OL holding is the low hanging fruit of the “rigged” penalty if such things exist. You can kill a drive anytime you want or extend a dying drive anytime you want. Not saying I believe games are rigged but holding calls are missed frequently enough or called seemingly unequally that it at least makes you wonder.
  10. Tied my first fly today. To get out of Nor Cal, the family moved to northern Idaho and I go back and forth for work. Local store has free fly tying lessons in the winter. This is supposed to be a golden stone and looks pretty good if I say so myself because I had some oversight. The second attempt I was on my own mostly and it looks like I tied it with my feet.
  11. The first year for the 327 was 1962.
  12. I was thinking about this last night. How humiliating it must be as a father to learn that your son fucked up his future to this extent, for what? College football rivalry? And then having to tell other family and friends and young Dfigs is again changing his name. I had forgotten about the comically tall chick in the wife’s wedding party picture.
  13. That’s a pretty impressive pickup if it can safely pull that.
  14. I forgot the part during the interview where he claimed to create accounts and then sell them (@figurellisports hahahah) but that the new owners were required to retweet his personal account. Eventually I believed he claimed that it was not possible for him to get in contact with the people who paid him for the accounts. In 2016 why the hell would anyone want to buy a Twitter account with zero followers?! Twitter accounts are free. 🤣
  15. Subaru drivers love the WNBA and recently learned there’s a regular NBA too.
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