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Chuckie Finster

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Chuckie Finster

  1. Tough to draw any concrete conclusions from a screenshot, but that first image sure makes it look like Quinn wanted Jordan first. That hurts.
  2. aggy doesn't lie, cheat, or steal... unless they have a chance to beat tu, then who gives a fuck
  3. Well, it also helped that Penix turned into a player that he hasn't been all season. Historically, getting pressure (which we did) should be enough to rattle Penix, even if you don't get home. Unfortunately, he just became Superman for a few hours.
  4. I read hundreds of aggy posts trying to rationalize our win vs Bama, and almost all of them pointed to the lack of talent at WR.
  5. One day I hope to develop the misguided confidence of those claiming that this is an uncatchable ball.
  6. Yep, and “give the ball more to the guys who are turning it over” isn’t the coaching no-brainer that many on here seem to think it is.
  7. Before the final drive, our previous 6 possessions resulted in 3 scores, 2 fumbles, and a punt. In real time I agree that it felt like we needed to run the ball more, but in hindsight our second half plan worked very well.
  8. I keep seeing this point of view and I don’t understand it. The second drive of the third quarter is the only one where this plausibly could have affected the outcome, but a penalty put us in 2nd and long so it really isn’t that hard to comprehend the play calls. Aside from the obvious clock issues that came into play being down 10+ in the 4th, we had 7 passing plays over 15 yards in the final quarter. Sure, we were running the ball well, but “abandoning the run” was not a reason we lost.
  9. It’s easy to criticize our defense but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a team do what Washington has done passing tonight. This is a masterclass.
  10. This is as close as an aggy will ever come to admitting that they are a second tier program.
  11. I do enjoy the that none of them seem to connect “of course we lost! we were playing all of our scrubs…” with “…which will be pretty similar to the roster we trot out next season.”
  12. Seems like all those immediate reports of mass interest in Machete were bullshit. You don’t sign with the White Sox if you have options.
  13. In a sea of morons, 78Eagle consistently manages to stand out.
  14. I don’t know why it just occurred to me, but Fong was actively helping his buddy Elko try and troll us. There was absolutely no serious talk about Evans and Texas until those weird quotes on NSD.
  15. It’s a meme based off a fake quote. Yes, it’s as stupid as it sounds. https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/get-ready-to-learn-chinese-buddy
  16. This is the reason for my skepticism about Butler, and Gerry’s “hi.”
  17. Fairly certain this kid is aggy but no idea what Gerry’s “hi” was about this morning.
  18. Doing anything at 5pm on the Friday before Christmas is already as weird as it gets.
  19. Yeah, but that's not the thing I care about most TODAY, so I'm still not voting for him!! /leftists on twitter, probably
  20. Dropping a “Texas was my dream school” quote out of nowhere on NSD was a masterful negotiating tactic.
  21. Purposefully news dumping the signing of your highest rated prospect on the Friday before Christmas instead of, y’know, on National Signing Day WOULD be an aggy move…
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