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Steel Shank

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Steel Shank

  1. I think he was referring to the Bowl game with Okie Lite, but who knows. Correct. Losing to aggy in a bowl game is embarrassing? aggy does suck, indeed - bowl game and otherwise.
  2. Wait - so he is saying it is embarrassing to lose to aggy? I guess because they suck so much.
  3. I'm guessing a large percentage of these kids look like me.
  4. Always over-order so you can have some shit in the fridge with which to make creations later. --Sun Tzu
  5. I'm seeing where Evan Stewart has entered the portal.
  6. When I go to 6th street, I do the ass kicking and pipe laying. /surly badass
  7. Maybe they short-sightedly conscripted all the egg farmers/ranchers/whatever?
  8. Maybe New Mexico feels like El Paso? Ever think of that? 😉
  9. No matter how it got here - it got here. Now let the celebrating begin!
  10. I know. I'm trying to find it. Hoping another surlyite might have saved it for self-pleasuring purposes.
  11. It's like that pic of that hot blonde chick wearing the tights showing the camel toe, but just not as cool.
  12. This is simultaneously fantastic and cold-blooded.
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