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Beantown Express 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Beantown Express 2.0

  1. Not only that but there are evil people all over the world. When we are done killing all the Taliban then should we start killing all the bad people in this world by continent? Let’s do the same in the rest of Asia, Africa, South America, and so on. Sounds like a hell of a plan. It sucks but bad people will continue to do bad things all over this planet and there is nothing we can do about it except make sure it doesn’t come into our neck of the woods.
  2. It’s a bit. He is a troll. Always been a troll and always will be a troll. A dumb fucking troll but a troll nonetheless.
  3. Cool about the vaccine. Now I don’t have to spend money on that penis reduction surgery and I’m protected against Covid. Win-Win.
  4. Counter point. The bestest Christian ever. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. You know, you are a real ass for saying stuff like this. Also, I agree with what you wrote 100% so I guess I am an ass also.
  6. It seems like most of the great ones have been named but I will throw out a few I think weren’t mentioned yet. Norm Peterson Cliff Clavin Frazier Crane (Cheers version) Lucille Bluth Buster Bluth Latka Gravas Newman Carlton Banks (just for the dance) Alex P Keaton Joffrey Baratheon (I don’t think I have hated a character more which shows how good the kid was that played him). Huggy Bear
  7. Does anybody have any idea where the Ivermectin is good against Covid theory started? I mean, are there some quack doctors that put this out there or are we at the point where the GRU could just have trolls put something on Facebook like you should go outside and get hit by a truck and it will knock the Covid out of you. and millions of Americans would follow and die?
  8. Yeah, I would like her to be my doctor. May have to run down to Palm Beach and catch some COVID.
  9. You are one sick, perverted motherfucker.....oh and where do I send my $100?
  10. So I had a couple of Covid tidbits from yesterday. First my former co worker told me his wife has Covid and he and his daughter are now in quarantine in the house. They were all vaccinated but they also were fairly careless with mask wearing and social distancing. He told me his wife has a 104 fever and lost her smell and taste and feels terrible so even with being vaxxed it definitely sucks to get this disease. In a story more closer to home here in TX, my kid went to his first day of High School yesterday and he showed us a pic of the hallways. I would share but it was taken on Snapchat or something by a friend and has some other information on it so the wife said I can’t show anyone else. Let’s just say the hallways between classes had like 5K kids jammed together (mostly unmasked cause Texas). It was like a lollapalooza concert but in a narrow hallway. He said there were so many kids you kid barely move to your next class. Guessing this won’t bode well for the spread of Covid. I guarantee the picture, if sent to CNN/NBC/ABC would be big news around the country to show how screwed up Texas is right now.
  11. Isn't this where a responsible leader would get on TV and tell the people of his state that he just ordered these mortuary trailers because of the all the death coming our way and that people need to get vaccinated, where masks and take all precautions in order to help our doctors/nurses and healthcare system get through this? Nah, that would be crazy.
  12. I wish I knew how to embed the Ike Clanton "Well I hope you die" meme but can't figure it out. Yeah I'm an old apparently.
  13. Um he didn’t lose the election. See Hunter Biden went to China and paid them millions of dollars to release the “China Flu” on America which caused Trump to have an election that was closer than he thought it would be but he still won because all of the illegal aliens and aliens from other planets that snuck into the battleground states and voted for Biden with the use of voting machines that were rigged by China to help Biden. See this stuff is pretty simple.
  14. F the haters but that was one of the best and most truthful speeches I have heard a president give.
  15. This is what is so infuriating. I was listening to MSNBC earlier and they were ripping Biden and his administration for everything going on in Afghanistan and they had some R congressman on saying this is all Biden’s fault and Trump would have never let this happen. I can’t imagine what Fox and OAN are saying right now. It is too bad that the media can’t tell the whole story since they probably realize that most people in this country are too stupid to understand it. The same people yelling about getting out of Afghanistan last year and that Trump was great to do start the process will be yelling at the top of their lungs that we need to invade Afghanistan and take out the Taliban. I bet the R’s start to campaign on going back to war in Afghanistan and their base will eat it up.
  16. Does the timeline really matter though? I mean whether it took 30-90 days or 30-90 minutes for Kabul to fall it was going to happen either way and people would bitch about it no matter how quickly it happened. We may have messed up the pullout at this point but it was bound to be a shit show no matter what we did and the Taliban were going to regain control. I feel bad for the people of Afghanistan but let’s remember that there are countries where people are treated like crap by brutal regimes all over Asia, Africa, South America, etc… and we unfortunately can’t invade all of these countries and get rid of the bad guys either. The world has some evil people that gain power and do evil things and you can’t just blame the United States. Not that we don’t do bad stuff also and screw things up diplomatically sometimes but Afghanistan falling to the Taliban is not the United States fault. If we never went in 20 years ago I am guessing the Taliban would have been in power for the past 20 years and still going strong.
  17. I posted something about this on the Biden thread. We should blame Gerald Ford for the Vietnam War based on many peoples reactions today towards Biden.
  18. This all Russia's fault. If they would have not ended their war with Afghanistan and kept fighting it all these years we wouldn't have had to start our own war with Afghanistan. Actually, I am glad we are getting out because there was no good end to being in Afghanistan and it was always going to end with the Taliban back in charge. I am upset about us leaving the interrupters and people like that without getting them out. That is super shitty. I am also furious at the politicization of this by the Right when many were for this when Trump announced it. Blaming Biden is like blaming Gerald Ford for the Vietnam War since the fall of Saigon happened when he was in office. It was a mistake to go in to Afghanistan and it was a mistake to stay. We just need to tell the Taliban we will bomb the shit out of your country if you commit acts of terror against the US or if you harbor terrorists that fuck with the US.
  19. I would bet over 90% of people over the age of 65, no matter what race, color, religion they are have a good amount of racism and homophobia in them. Not saying it’s right but it was a product of the time they grew up in. Thankfully I think the next generation has gotten less racist/homophobic and teen less with the generations after that. We aren’t prefect yet but I do believe there are a lot less racist and homophobic people now and the trend will continue that way for the years to come.
  20. I am guessing the Mississippi folks read this and come to the conclusion that you only die from COVID if you are involved with middle school band. In all seriousness it’s a sad story and I wonder if the band director and his wife that died refused to get vaccinated.
  21. Maybe God was acting through Trump. Let’s look at it through God’s eyes. He probably looked at the people on Earth destroying his creation (climate change, over population, etc….) and said I will send down a plague to kill off a bunch of people so they stop harming my planet. God then remembers that he unfortunately created scientists that will probably come up with a vaccine to stop his pandemic so he figures, “I know, I will make Trump president and he will make sure all these idiots don’t take the vaccine and slowly die off”. If we are talking about Fairy Tales we can make one up like that and it seems more plausible than two of every animal on a boat or a burning bush.
  22. When this was posted a few days ago the name rang a bell but I figured he was some guy I saw on Fox News or something. I now realize I know this guy when a girl that used to work for me posted on Facebook that he needs our thoughts and prayers. He worked for me as a sales person about 16 years ago. He was a navy chaplain turned sales guy or something like that. I seem to recall I had some issues with him and my company wanted me to terminate his employment with us. I hate to say it but I have not sent my thoughts and prayers to him. Oops.
  23. Your so lucky. I never get chosen for cool stuff like that.
  24. Was just editing my post above to say this. These idiots can't read cursive. They will think its Arabic or something. Regular Merican print would be better.
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