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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by tokamak

  1. tokamak

    Texas Primaries

    I vote in R primaries all the time. The average Democratic candidate tends to be acceptable to me. On the other hand, the R primary will usually be like 3 total lunatics and 1 functioning adult. Given that breakdown, the logical decision feels like voting in the R primary. I do get a ton of very right-wing mail, but that's useful in its own way. I take the most unhinged stuff and use it as an (anti-)voting guide. If your mailer is touting an endorsement from Ken Paxton, then I know you ain't my guy. I'm sure my mail man thinks I'm a real piece of work, though.
  2. That seems like the consensus in the tequila world, too. The only ones I've seen rated well are George Strait's and, shockingly, Sammy Hagar/Guy Fieri's.
  3. I mean....they won. Thoroughly and lastingly. What's more for them to discuss? Our political system is still working out the exact details, but abortion won't be legal again nationwide for a long time, if ever.
  4. Have celebrities gotten into the bourbon game yet? I've been getting into tequila (see the other thread) and holy shit, half of the new ones are owned by celebrities and marketed through social media. Saw one at the liquor store yesterday I hadn't heard of, googled it, and it's owned by Kendall fucking Jenner. JFC. What's funny is they tend to very much downplay it on the packaging. Unless you do some serious research, or are active on SM (I'm not), you'd never know in most cases. If I were a more cynical guy, I'd say it's almost like they're trying to fool people who are just browsing the liquor store and not directed to their product by an Instagram post.
  5. "Outside influences" meaning people that are disturbed by a star player bullying his teammate with a very dangerous prank and then receiving a slap on the wrist for it?
  6. Wouldn't surprise me at all if schools quietly asked the NCAA to reign in the photo shoots. Schools fucking hate them. Takes forever and all that time would be better spent getting to know the recruit and showing him around. I'm with you on the cookie cakes, though. Don't see why anyone would give a fuck. Maybe some schools were decorating hotel rooms with hookers and blow.
  7. Jesus. Obviously I think Baker Mayfield is a complete assclown, but I can't begin to imagine being swindled out of $12 million by your own dad.
  8. Apparently her strategy to catch up to Trump is to be a wishy-washy empty suit on everything. Wednesday: "hell yeah, frozen embryos are babies!" Thursday: "well, uh, actually, uh, that doesn't mean I agree with the Alabama decision" (tokamak's editors note: the decision that embryos are, in fact, babies)
  9. I’m pretty tempted to buy a random hoodie once owned by Adrian Peterson for like $4 just because.
  10. This has always boggled my mind. When working class whites say they support Trump because they feel like he'll blow up the system, I can at least see a certain kind of logic there. But for the reason you outline, I can't for the life of me understand wealthy conservatives backing Trump. My in-laws fall squarely into this category. There is no way that anyone could argue that life in America hasn't been very, very good to them for their entire adult lives. They have it better than probably 98% of people in the country, which means they have it better than probably 99.8% of people on Earth. They should want stability and status quo above all else. Yet not only do they support Trump, they're fucking PISSED at everyone and everything basically 24/7. I. Do. Not. Get it.
  11. tokamak

    Texas Primaries

    For my SD15 homies, Kuffner has done interviews with all 6 candidates. I'm gonna link the one with Cardenas here, because it was the last one in the series and has links to the others. https://www.offthekuff.com/wp/?p=112964 I listened to them all over the past couple days. I think we've got a lot of good choices here and it seems certain this will go to a runoff. Johnson, Litton, and Cook have raised the most money, with Soora a step behind them, and Cardenas and Bonton way behind. The fundamental question of these interviews boils down to "how do you plan to get anything done in Dan Patrick's Senate?". I liked Johnson's confrontational approach. Cook leaned in to her energy and experience getting out in the streets and organizing. Litton was thoughtful talking about the issues but came across to me as a little defeatist. He kept saying variations on "unfortunately none of this is gonna happen, but it's worth a shot". I also got off in the weeds and looked at a couple campaign finance reports and it was more interesting than I thought. For instance, Litton's wife is a doctor and bigwig at MD Anderson. Almost all his donations were in the $100+ range, with a bunch of $500 and even $1000 individual donations. I'm guessing his base of support is well-heeled types in places like West U and Bellaire. On the other hand, Cook's donations were a ton of $20, $25, etc. That matches her image as a young, progressive, community organizer-type.
  12. Why does Trump's presidential campaign need money? the entire right wing media apparatus exists the MSM breathlessly covers his every utterance in a misguided pursuit of "balance" Musk, Vlad, et al are going to do their part on social media
  13. tokamak

    Texas Primaries

    Someone from Cook’s campaign knocked on our door. Interestingly, my hood seems like mostly Litton signs. Judging from the particular houses and the overlap with Whitmire signs, I’m assuming Litton is the choice for White Democrats Who Send Their Kids To Private School Because The Public School Is Just A Little Too “Urban”.
  14. tokamak

    Texas Primaries

    For those of you elsewhere in Texas, the Houston area has several interesting primaries happening on the D side: US Rep Lizzie Fletcher (TX-7) is getting a well-funded challenge from progressive activist Pervez Agwan. There's been some allegations of abuse within Agwan's campaign which has caused a lot of groups to back off, but he was a darling of the left for a hot minute and has spent a bunch of money. Sheila Jackson-Lee is getting her toughest primary challenge in a long time from Amanda Edwards. Edwards had been seen as somewhat of a rising star in Houston politics, but dropped out of the mayoral race when SJL entered, endorsed her, and announced a run for her House seat. If SJL had won the mayor spot, Edwards would be a shoe-in for this race, but she lost, so here we are. State Senate District 15 (my district) is having a competitive open primary between 6 candidates. This was John Whitmire's long time seat that he resigned after he won the Houston mayor election. I have no idea who the frontrunner is, I've been getting mail and texts from almost all of the candidates. Unpopular DA Kim Ogg is being challeneged by her former deputy Sean Teare. Ogg has managed to piss off basically everyone in town and it looks quite possible that she'll lose.
  15. Let’s not go sucking each others’ dicks just yet. My recycling was still a day late and my heavy trash is currently 6 days late and counting.
  16. Someone posted a tweet on the previous page that Cordova was involved in a prank where some kids knowingly exposed a very allergic teammate to peanuts. Personally, I'm comforted by Longhorn94's explanation. No high school kid would ever continue to hang out with other kids who bullied him/her.
  17. I could definitely see Thomas retiring if Trump is reelected.
  18. Supposedly, yeah. Reading up about tequila on the internet, additives seem to be a very hot topic, with Casamigos frequently mentioned as a major “offender”. I’d say for me personally, I’m just starting to figure out what I really like after a lifetime of just drinking whatever major name brand I happened to grab at the store. My palate is nowhere near sophisticated enough to pick out whether or not a tequila has additives.
  19. Thread bump. I’ve been getting into tequila a lot lately and hoping to start some more discussion here. I blind tasted these 4 blancos from my bar last night. I ranked them like this: Ocho Casamigos Cimarron 1940 Biggest surprise to me was Casamigos, because snobs seem to really look down their nose at it. I could definitely taste some of the sweetness people complain about, but to me it also had the most complex and interesting aroma of the 4. Also surprised about the 1940 coming in last. I’ve been jamming on both their blanco and reposado for a while now.
  20. Are the No Labels idiots still trying to fuck things up, or have they given up?
  21. RIP to Navalny, another murder victim of the tyrannical and illegitimate Putin regime. What an incredibly brave person.
  22. I usually vote in R primaries, but I’ve been thinking about going D this time just to vote for Teare.
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