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Everything posted by AeroHorn

  1. In the previous play, the WR pushed off and in this one, the DB held him to stop the WR from pushing off.
  2. Yeah, I still have power at my home even though they said yesterday that it may be switched off within 24 hours. No wind at all. It is the internet echo chamber that amplifies and exaggerates for clicks and idle chatter, with this thread being a prime example. If this leads to PG&E conning us in coughing up more dough, they won't mind the "bad press" at all.
  3. Yeah, this feels like a tantrum. It is like the water company saying that they are going to shut off water supply because it is contaminated. I don't know what PG&E has actually done to address the problem. I have got alerts saying my home may not have power from tomorrow. I have completely ignored it, probably to my loss.
  4. the third down spot looks accurate
  5. Yeah, the 2nd down spot should have been closer to the first down marker.
  6. I don't think that tax revenue would be much. Even if 1000 athletes in the state were paid 100k/year (wildly high number), the state tax of about 7-8% would amount to 7-8 million, which is a pittance. I think the bigger issues are the loss of the concept of all players in the team being equal (a few are relatively rich now), transfer portal becoming a year-long player trading place (players looking at what bids are coming in for them to make a jump), big donors of smaller schools essentially treating the school team as their own private team (buying the roster, getting couple of stars for ticket sales), etc. As is typical with professional sports, a few will make lot of money, and the many will just be shuttling between teams for little payments. The question is whether your second-third stringers who provide needed depth will value the UT/UM/UW degree or do they value 10k/year over 4 years from ATM/MSU/WSU.
  7. It is quite funny to me that he has a username that means death and destruction.
  8. Mahomes is so good, from moving in the pocket and scanning the field to quick and accurate throws across the whole range.
  9. Wake just settled for FG there. They were driving well.
  10. he may be fast but he is not shifty like Murray. He needs a few steps to gain speed.
  11. I would have at least have the QB throw downfield. That would have taken 5 seconds off.
  12. they should have rolled out the QB for a pass/rush option
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