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Everything posted by AeroHorn

  1. I am watching the datacenter broadcast and Sean McDonough is much better.
  2. Wasn't Vince supposed to be there for the coin toss?
  3. Yes, LJH's running style (look at the 10+ yards after knocking the LB back) reminds me of Ricky lot more than Roy. The same strong man run (wide and choppy feet rather than long strides), lowering shoulder to knock people and shoulder shake to shrug them off. In a WR role with good hands and single tackler to beat, LJH does what Ricky would do to a single tackler, guaranteed yards after contact until the tackler's teammates get around to him.
  4. if he had thrown to the outside, the WR could have dived for first
  5. that was a GG type bullet from 5 yards
  6. Also, he was just hanging around in defender’s way during that long run. I was surprised a defender didn’t drill him.
  7. I jog during lunch time at work along a trail behind my office, which takes me close to the stadium. It is perfect running weather right now (sunny, 60F). Maybe I should mosey over.
  8. They are leaving those DBs out by themselves with no help on top. They are daring ND to throw and ND did that drive.
  9. they didn't even review it?
  10. Alabama has just too much talent at every position.
  11. Trick plays are the only option, I guess
  12. The halftime adjustment seems to be dive on first instead of second, with the same result.
  13. See, if Michigan had kicked the PA, they would be down by only 7. You go for 2 only if you reasonably think you can't score a TD in the remainder of the game. Otherwise, you see how FG's pan out.
  14. why go for 2 now. There is a whole half left.
  15. This defense show is worse than OU-WVU. Those teams at least had the excuse of facing elite offenses.
  16. How to make a 2nd and 10 a 3rd and 10
  17. 17 seconds, so 2 more touchdowns?
  18. when did we have that happen to us?
  19. Last time OSU did us a favor, we had the Colorado game. Let's not do that again.
  20. OSU did best against the top of Big 12, and sucked against everyone else.
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