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Everything posted by AeroHorn

  1. Yeah, even from just 2 games back (the OT one)
  2. TCU is getting good looks but not finishing, and we are poor at the rim too.
  3. The football teams of these teams would be at 21-14 by now.
  4. I saw his photo in the news today regarding UBI and I thought why is Professor Andrew Ng discussing UBI, and why is his last name misspelled? Then I realized that Yang is not Ng.
  5. I sincerely hope that the last two years have disillusioned people enough to see through political gamesmanship (both parties) and divisive nastiness (Trump) to at least apply a filter to understand the message and the person behind the message. Bernie was a far ahead leading candidate for me but voted for Hilary as a far behind second choice. He starts as a leading candidate for me but I am very open to be won over by Warren, Harris or any other candidate. May the best message and the messenger prevail.
  6. I would think >90% of driving, and pollution, is from daily commuting, where 5+ seater car/SUV/truck is carrying one person at a jerky 5mph. On a Pareto chart, this is the one that sticks out and needs to be addressed first. RDCanecutter is right about zoo trains. For minimal investment, these changes would make a big difference: 1. neighborhood zoo trains (with inflated tires, sorry RD): There seems to be no lack of Uber drivers. They can drive the zoo train for equivalent pay. These trains pass by within 2-3 minute walk of any home and circumnavigate an area of couple of square miles, connecting to local schools, shopping, and importantly, a terminus. 2. city-wide fast busses: These busses connect few termini from one area to another area. Each main street (equivalent of Lamar or Congress) will have dedicated central lanes for these busses and their signaling will be same as if they were on track a la BART. For highways, make the carpool lane for 3+ people and these busses. 3. zero pollution bikes/scooters/skateboards: All streets that are not main streets will have half the space (at least one full lane) allotted to these vehicles. With dozens of electric bicycle/scooters coming up, the last mile (or full commute, if you wish) should be easily and safely doable for all except infirm and disabled. This should drastically reduce car traffic by at least 50%, and there is no reason to not do this in southern states.
  7. AeroHorn

    Super Bowl LIII

    He is very shifty. His 90 degree turns are very quick.
  8. AeroHorn

    Super Bowl LIII

    Joyner read that a good 30 yards away.
  9. AeroHorn

    Super Bowl LIII

    Is Mike Stoops coaching Rams' backfield?
  10. AeroHorn

    Super Bowl LIII

    This looks like a typical NFL season game where nothing happens till the 4th quarter
  11. AeroHorn

    Super Bowl LIII

    Haha. Good call by the announcer
  12. I think they sold exclusively in US last quarter to maximize the number of buyers eligible for full federal tax credit. This quarter, they are supposed to sell in Europe. But overall, slowing down is to be expected because I don't think there is such a high sustained rate of customers for ~50k electric car. The last quarter's rate for the whole year would be close to Camrys and Accords, whereas Model 3 is electric and nearly twice as costly. Which means Tesla has to make a car that is 30k base to sell 300k+/year, or be content being an upscale car supplier. They still have high growth left in Model Y and pickup, but nowhere close to Toyota and Ford level volume.
  13. It's easy, just go against what he said during campaign. He promised "law and order" (code for no immigration), "radical Islamic terrorism" (code for no Muslims in US and kill them outside US), "beautiful coal" (code for jobs for uneducated), and "Merry Christmas" (code for owning the liberals). All other activities, from tax breaks to Iran deal, are others getting their agenda taken care of. He is doing well according to him, though he doesn't know how incompetent he is in getting his stuff done. By fighting for wall, loosening the criteria for drone attacks and implementing Muslim ban, removing regulations, and praising MAGA hat wearing/torch wielding people, he thinks he doing an A+ job. And his followers love it. They clearly see how faithful he is to his promises and any lack of success is purely due to the amount of obstacles from fake media, Democrats, and liberal deep state. Form their point of view, the issue is crystal clear. The only way Trump will lose his followers is if he abandons the promises he campaigned on (and not silly fantasies like turning democrat).
  14. The portal system looks like the admission process of some universities where the freshman year is treated as another chance to improve your chances to get in the major you want. If your GPA is good and you took the math/physics classes, you can jump from, say, psychology major to electrical engineering major. Some universities go to more extreme and admit freshmen without offering them any major at all. They have to compete against their colleagues to get the major they want. This increases uncertainty for the students a lot because they may be set to get into computer science, but even after two years and having failed to leapfrog their colleagues, resort to transferring to sister universities (UT to UTD, say) to get into their desired major. What this means is that an athlete set to be QB but not offered as one, may go to G5 to show that (i) he can play QB and transfer to P5 as QB, or (ii) fail as QB and try to join as DB/WR to P5 for which he was originally recruited by P5. In other words, for both universities and athletes, the admissions is not a once in four year thing, but a yearly review process with two likely movements in a four year span, similar to a student jumping to a major they want after sophomore year or jumping from ACC to UT after freshman year.
  15. Man, Trump is so selfishly oblivious. Doesn't he have an any inkling about how cheap this looks? He went with the minimum because he is paying for it? Where is the concept of honoring the guest? If I invite even the most poor of my friends to my home and offered fast food, they will refuse to eat. Heck, the food we distribute to homeless in SFO/Oakland is much better than this crap.
  16. But don't you think a Californian being able to talk about another hybrid thingy is worth it?
  17. I am about to buy this water heater (hybrid water heaters!), which has a $300 rebate from PG&E. I hope the rebate is still on. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Rheem-Performance-Platinum-50-gal-10-Year-Hybrid-High-Efficiency-Smart-Tank-Electric-Water-Heater-XE50T10HD50U1/303419574
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