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Everything posted by hpslugga

  1. Right I mean the Native American example is probably the best analogy to pursue, but it’s morally bankrupt to use it in defense of the occupation. Like someone else said earlier, they got the right analogy, just not the way he had intended. That’s seriously a level of depravity that’s hard to fathom.
  2. It’s not and it doesn’t. He’s talking out of his ass. Such is the aggy way. Whoop!
  3. He’s not the least bit interested in that. I’ve seen that juvenile rhetoric so many times that I read it as a confession that “I have no idea what’s happening over there, but someone else told me to say this.” Like this. This is some straight up crybaby bullshit.
  4. They did and they admit to that. That whole fantasy about the Arabs starting it is pretty much limited to Americans, Australians and a few far right Israeli nutcases who live in the settlement blocs.
  5. They’re guidelines based on existing law, which is the Partition Resolution. 242 basically says that regardless of how emotionally invested certain parties are in believing otherwise, it’s still illegal to acquire territory by conquest and the partition resolution therefore stands. The language in 242 includes “Withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict;” and that pronouncement was affirmed in the 2004 ICJ advisory opinion. East Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank are among those territories.
  6. “Casualty reports are hard to verify because Hamas controls the media (even the international press)” I’m glad we have brave people like Bari Weiss to enlighten us as to the reality of Hamas controlling the international media.
  7. It's a kind of self-reinforcing form of psychosis, especially with people like Dershowitz that went so far as to state, on Harvard's website, that Norman Finkelstein's late mother was a Nazi collaborator. His evidence? She survived the Holocaust!!! How could she do that unless she was a collaborator?!?! JUST ASKING QUESTIONS!!! At the end of the day, their whole schtick is exactly that: schtick. Every logical fallacy known to man has been used by characters like that to justify the occupation, and every argument they've used to justify the occupation is a logical fallacy. The political right likes to bitch about so-called "identity politics," and yet they cannot for the life of them actually identify it when it's staring them dead in the face...off the reflection of the fucking mirror.
  8. Since this is the second time that rocket surgeon's name has been dropped here, I would be remiss if I didn't refer everyone to the absolute best takedown anyone has ever done on him (and think of the territory that covers): https://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Chutzpah-Misuse-Anti-Semitism-History-ebook/dp/B072X6XGBM
  9. Not so much genocide as it is "force them to live lives so unbearable that they'll eventually all pack their shit and leave." Either way, no, there's no way of stopping it outside of the US excusing itself from the issue.
  10. It's based on a similar saying, which is that if you took McCarthy's testicles and threw them into a drinking straw, it'd look like two kernels of corn rolling around in a storm drain.
  11. If that's her fate, I would then recommend that AOC swing by MTG's office, pop open the mail slot and say "hola! Dame un orden de panochitas...uh 1,2,3,4,5?"
  12. Oh I don't dispute any of this. My only point was to answer your question "why is nothing done?" Nothing is done because we more than abuse our power to veto anything, and in fact everything, that even vaguely criticizes Israel. We've even vetoed resolutions that merely call on all members to observe international law. That's extreme. That's like a lawyer saying "ok. I'm sitting here in a court room, with my bar card. I went to college, studied for the LSAT, passed the LSAT, went to law school, got my JD, passed the bar exam, I pay my bar fees on time every time, etc. I'm sitting here today as an officer of the court...AND FUCK THE LAW! But I would still like to make money off of it!"
  13. Weapon? That blonde bitch is so stupid that she'd leave herself to AOC to slap a ham sandwich on her back and starve her to death.
  14. And I would suggest to @DonkeyCigars that's the one defect of the UN: permanent members and what power they possess. Essentially, the UNSC is like a DA's office, except that it just takes one of the five assistant DA's to thwart any attempt at potential prosecution, even if the other 4 actively want it. Realistically, you're never going to get those 5 to relinquish the veto powers they possess in the UN, but if by some snowball's chance in hell they did, there's no way that Israel would still be occupying those three places at this point in history.
  15. And I should have added that the missing pieces, when put into practice, effectively broke up the West Bank into 3 cantons. So 3 West Bank cantons, East Jerusalem, Gaza, no border security, no air space security, no aquifer security, etc. That's even more offensive than when South Africa had the fucking bantustans.
  16. It wouldn't be a two-party state. It'd simply be two states with, optimally, what international legal scholars call "functional contiguity" between Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem. And in case you're wondering what that means, it refers to infrastructure. It'd be like if the US had a super highway between, let's say, Washington state and Alaska.
  17. Right, and the chasm between that and the next is most likely not within our lifetimes.
  18. If you’re referring to Camp David during the Clinton years, the figure was actually even higher. The figures I’ve seen suggest that Israel was willing to give back 94-96% of the land. The reason Camp David failed, and Israeli negotiator Schlomo Ben Ami has since conceded this, is that the missing 4-6% were pieces of fairly high value to the Palestinians. More importantly, however: -There was no mention of restoration of water rights -There was no mention of restoration of air space rights -There was no mention of withdrawing checkpoints -There was no mention of cessation of tree uprootings, farmland destruction, house demolitions, etc -Speaking of house demolitions, there was no mention of easing of difficulties obtaining house construction permits That, above all, is why Ben Ami himself conceded that the Camp David deal was impossible and that no Palestinian leader, not even that incompetent buffoon Saeb Erekat, would have accepted it. That’s also why Clinton came forth with his parameters at Taba near the end of his term...but Taba failed because Barak prematurely withdrew his negotiators. In fact if one takes Israeli political commentary even half serious, one comes away with the impression that Taba was just a last ditch election ploy and not a serious negotiation effort. More on that later. If anyone is curious about this, I’d suggest reading scholarship by Clayton Swisher and Ron Pundak. Since 1967, Israel has not made a good faith effort to resolve the occupation. That is what makes the occupation illegal, and there’s international precedent for such a label. Namibia took its case against South African occupation to the ICJ back in 1971. The ICJ subsequently ruled that the occupation was illegal because the occupier ceased attempting good faith efforts at a resolution. Israel has repeatedly sabotaged opportunities at good faith efforts, with the lone exception (and even that was forced upon them with no real alternative) being Camp David in 1978. And that was Egypt, not Palestine. They’ve repeatedly engaged in what the Likud government in particular calls “mowing the lawn,” which is when they go into Gaza and smash the place up with about 1-2k civilian casualties and untold property damage, they murdered 20k people in Lebanon to quash what Avner Yaniv called “Arafat’s peace offensive,” they’ve illegally blockaded Gaza for going on 16 years, they continue to expand settlement construction in the West Bank, and most importantly, they continue to beg the US to do their bidding on the international arena (Biden just vetoed an SC resolution this past week). Those are all the exact opposite of what any ICJ would call “good faith efforts.”
  19. If by "real" you mean "ideal," I sort of agree. The most ideal thing is for there not to be states at all, but that's another fight for another day. The two-state settlement is the goal now because that's the ultimate achievement within the context of the facts on the ground. Or as Chomsky puts it, "the two state settlement is the least rotten of all solutions;" the tacit concession being of course that it's still rotten.
  20. Which is why I said it's a gray area and that the rockets "could fall into that category." If they could, for example, show that they were intending to hit military personnel with that, there's no issue. What taps that shit down from "anything goes" into a "gray area" is the fact that those rockets have killed 28 people in the last 20 or so years. No one with a moral compass is trying to justify that. What honest people are saying is that even if these rockets are as grim as Israeli blowhards love to make believe, there's no comparison between that and what Israel does in the Occupied Territories. The reason I even brought that shit up is because the previous poster was going on about rockets as if that was the key issue to the last 54 years of this nightmare. It isn't, and he's dead wrong to imply that. He said "Is it lawful according to UN Charter you cite for Hamas to lob rockets at Israel?" Is it lawful to lob white phosphorous grenades at a school? Is it lawful to bomb UNRWA warehouses? Is it lawful to destroy homes? Is it lawful to construct settlement blocs in occupied territory? Is it lawful to construct walls around said settlement blocs? Those activities have done far more damage to the Palestinians than those "rockets" have done to the Israelis, and the Israeli actions are flatly, black and white, ipso facto illegal. That was my only point.
  21. Scary thing is that he’s encountered much worse than that.
  22. It's not up to me to make it easy for you or anyone else. I didn't get to my position by challenging random HF/SB posters as to their sources. I sought them out myself. https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/customary-ihl/eng/docs/v1_rul_rule145 https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2014/08/mounting-evidence-deliberate-attacks-gaza-health-workers-israeli-army/ https://www.hrw.org/news/2014/09/11/israel-depth-look-gaza-school-attacks# https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/iopt0309webwcover.pdf http://www.btselem.org/press_releases/20010207 http://www.btselem.org/publications/summaries/200202_policy_of_destruction https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/eoir/legacy/2013/06/14/israel_0694.pdf https://www.un.org/press/en/2004/icj616.doc.htm
  23. With all due respect, that's been done...precisely with the bolded portion of the quote to which you were responding.
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