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Everything posted by qwertyu1234

  1. My best guess is because he's, obviously, a S-E-C guy and fox sports only has big 12,pac 12 and big 10 football games.
  2. In recent Notre Dame home games like when UT or UGA came to South Bend there was a heavy visitor presence, i wonder why...
  3. 2005 KU beats Nebraska 40-15 for the first time in a million years. Picked this game instead of the other blowout in 2007 (76-39) because the defense played better and the 07 game just made it 2 out of 3 games against the bugeaters, the 05 game broke the streak. This is the best video i could find.
  4. It's older than 5 years, but the only comedy movie i've really liked is get him to the greek.
  5. I wonder how many of those seats are from the visitors.
  6. Concrete Dream The unwritten rules of fly fishing Corrupt caterpillars crawl
  7. This movie was mentioned a few posts up, the end battle in Saving Private Ryan was way better than the D-Day opening scene.
  8. Agree with everything except i would put WVU in the 1st tier, along with KSU as the only viable contenders to KU's 15th. WVU is going to be deeper which is needed with their full court press.
  9. Surprised nobody posted these already:
  10. Since somebody said this, i'll also add bye bye bye by Nsync.
  11. This team is lacking a wing who can shoot the three and i'd take the bet of 2-4 wins too. Non conference schedule is just too good.
  12. Two great basslines of the top of my head:
  13. The Beatles cared more about the music than their lyrics. Some of the lyrics didn't make any sense and Lennon sometimes put meaningless words in the songs as a joke to people who over analyzed the Beatles work.
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