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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. I went through the trouble of looking up the ratings for all of these to see how they compare. IMDb = Internet Movie Database RT = Rotten Tomatoes MC = Metacritic IMDb RT MC AVG IMDb RT MC AVG The Shawshank Redemption 93% 90% 80% 88% Goodfellas 87% 96% 90% 91% Iron Man 79% 94% 79% 84% Back to the Future 85% 96% 87% 89% Die Hard 82% 93% 72% 82% Raiders of the Lost Ark 84% 95% 85% 88% Ghostbusters 78% 97% 71% 82% Halloween 78% 96% 87% 87% Jurassic Park 81% 91% 68% 80% Stand by Me 81% 91% 75% 82% The Breakfast Club 79% 89% 66% 78% The Karate Kid 72% 88% 60% 73% Gremlins 73% 84% 70% 76% Ferris Bueller's Day Off 78% 80% 61% 73% Fright Night 71% 91% 62% 75% The Goonies 78% 75% 62% 72% Liar Liar 69% 81% 70% 73% Captain America 69% 80% 66% 72% A League of Their Own 73% 78% 67% 73% The Lost Boys 73% 75% 63% 70% Batman 75% 71% 69% 72% The Mask 69% 77% 56% 67% The Monster Squad 71% 64% 61% 65% Tombstone 78% 74% 50% 67% A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 66% 74% 49% 63% Ghost 70% 74% 52% 65% Hook 68% 28% 52% 49% Mrs. Doubtfire 70% 71% 53% 65% The Mighty Ducks 65% 23% 46% 45% Friday the 13th Part 3 57% 12% 30% 33% Stack A 75% 77% 65% 72% Stack B 75% 79% 65% 73% B barely edges A, with the difference being the Rotten Tomatoes scores. If you substitute the original versions of A Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th, it actually shakes out dead even with both stacks earning an average 74% rating. In short, it's difficult to find fault in choosing either list, unless you choose A for the candy, in which case, you are clearly wrong. Seriously, how does peanut butter in a candy shell beat anything with chocolate in it? That said, neither candy would be my first choice.
  2. Any chance we could get different icons for "Mark forum as read" and "Go to first unread post?" I realize that one is slightly larger than the other and applies to forums rather than threads, but that doesn't stop me from occasionally accidentally marking an entire forum as read when I really want to go to the first unread post. Unfortunately, once you have done the former, you can't do the latter.
  3. While I would prefer to swap a few titles to make my own column, but if I'm limited to one or the other, it's easily B for me. A has too many that I simply don't care if I ever watch again, while B has several that are extremely re-watchable for me. Also, unless you are a short alien who needs to phone home, Peanut M&M's >>> Reese's Pieces. If you replace the Pieces with Peanut Butter Cups, then the choice between columns becomes more difficult.
  4. I actually enjoyed that third hour more than I thought I would.
  5. Thanks. I think I will just live without the embedded tweets.
  6. Any updates on this issue? For me, it happens in both Chrome and Firefox on Windows 10. All other video formats work fine. It happens whether or not an ad blocker is enabled. It has been happening for at least a couple of weeks.
  7. He got in the safe, but then couldn't get out.
  8. I'm not suggesting that anyone falsify test results, and think it should be a felony to do so, but am wondering what constitutes proof?
  9. I agree with everything you said. I have tried many a sausage with cheese in it, but have yet to find one that has caused me to change my preference. Cheese tends to dominate the flavor profile, and I don't like what it does to the texture.
  10. This. Been that way for a week or two.
  11. Fixed for accuracy and appropriate level of homerism.
  12. idigTexas


    username checks out
  13. A computer is not a house. Most people aren't holding onto them for 15 years. I turn mine off every night and have never had one die because of it.
  14. You must be mistaken. Those can't possibly be the same actor. I mean one of them has hair and is wearing a suit. I call bullshit.
  15. As long as he is allowed to cook whatever the fuck he wants, he'll be fine. Obviously, as already stated, he still hasn't learned to follow the rules of a challenge.
  16. I've never seen it. Is this radio station on TV or in the movies?
  17. I don't like Tony's personality or the way he plays, but I respect how good he is at Survivor, and he was definitely a deserving winner. That said, I do not give him any credit for not getting votes. There were a lot of "Tony's wheelhouse" challenges this season (including the one at final 5), which is why he almost tied the record for immunities. If that final 5 challenge had a puzzle, there's a good chance Tony ends up on the jury, though it is unlikely he goes out in Ben fashion. When Tony didn't win immunity, he almost always had an idol in his pocket, which was either known or logically assumed by the other players. In short, it's hard to get votes when you are always sitting on immunity. Tony did well outside of the immunities, which is why he was a deserving winner, but he doesn't deserve as much credit for his social game as he is getting. I was pulling for Natalie, but she did make some mistakes down the stretch...targeting Ben instead of Sarah, showing Sarah (and Tony) her idol, and apparently not challenging Tony to fire. Her argument that she took down the alliance of 4 was very good, but Rob questioning her decision to not make fire really hurt her. I can understand not wanting to make fire when you have a ticket to final tribal in your hand. She should have at least tried to spin it by arguing that people have different strengths, and hers do not include making fire, and that her best opportunity to get rid of Tony was to put him against a better fire maker. She wasn't ducking the challenge; she was playing to her strengths. Alternatively, she could have argued that she wanted to do things her own way, and not follow Chris's blueprints. She could have even resorted to claiming that she wanted the challenge of explaining at final tribal why she was more deserving than Tony, but to sell that, she would have needed to give Tony the second spot. Mistakes aside, Natalie deserved every vote she got. I was vehemently against Chris winning in the first EoE season, but I can't fault him for playing the game he played. If something is part of the game, it is part of the game, even if I don't like it. Natalie played the hand she was dealt. Upon being the first voted out, she immediately began doing everything she could to get back in. You can hate the game if you want, but hating the player is wrong. Natalie didn't make the rules. She just crushed the game she was given. If you are going to penalize her for going the EoE route, then penalize Tony for relying on idols. I do feel bad for Michelle. She didn't even get a sympathy vote from Wendell (I'm shocked I'm stunned). Hanging on like a roach that just refuses to be flushed down the toilet just doesn't garner any respect. She outlasted, but she did not outwit or outplay. Sarah played a great game, but made too many mistakes down the stretch. It would have been interesting to see how she would have done had she beat Tony. Denise appeared to stop playing after taking out Sandra. Ben made the right alliances, but that's all he did, and his description of how different he was this season was phony as hell. I'm a notorious idol hater, but if they are going to stay, and they are, I would like to see come changes made. I like the idea of playing one as a nullifier, but that allows a third person to hold on to one. There should definitely be fewer. Maybe only allow you to use one as long as you are on the tribe you were on when you found it. If you get moved in a tribe swap or there is a merge, your idol becomes void. Every time an idol is made available, a nullifier is made available as well. You want to really feel safe? You better find both. It was a good and enjoyable season, even if I would have preferred a different winner.
  18. This probably goes in the unpopular opinions thread, but I;m not a fan of the trend to put cheese in sausage. I like cheese. I like sausage. I do not like them as a pairing.
  19. That would probably just move the bickering to some other topic. Trolls are going to troll. Can we trade half of the fan base instead?
  20. Yes it did, eventually leading to the Mike White era.
  21. If you have the first four, why would you ever wear the last two?
  22. I don't hate the gold pants, but would rather see white pants with gold bolt outlined in the blue, especially with the blue jerseys.
  23. There may not be a need to expose a crack. If Nat comes back, she has an idol. If Tyson comes back, he has an idol. If Rob comes back, he has an idol. So if one of those three come back, they aren't immediately being voted out, crack or no crack. Tony and Ben also have idols, which means Sarah and Denise may end up with a great opportunity to pad their resumes. Also, don't sleep on Tony being Tony and turning on Sarah. It would be very much in character for him to want to make another move and take an EoE returnee to the end to increase his chances. I do not like Tony at all, but I do respect his game play. If he could solve a puzzle, he would be unstoppable.
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