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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. I got halfway through the second sentence. Congrats I guess.
  2. Okay, maybe 7-3. I have three words. Radford...at home.
  3. Last season with this same schedule, we are probably 5-5 at best, so while we aren't winning pretty, we are at least beating the teams we should, and at least one that we shouldn't. I'm in no way optimistic that we will continue to win regularly, but at least there is some improvement. As ugly as we are to watch, I'll celebrate a win anytime we get one.
  4. Jenn Carrroll again? Ugh, give up already.
  5. I hate Notre Dame with a passion, but still enjoy Rudy, even if, like many of the others mentioned, the truth is liberally altered. I'm surprised it isn't on more of your lists. Brian's Song was a made for TV movie, which I guess still counts I guess, but it would explain why it wasn't a cinematic masterpiece. Every movie mentioned has several cringe-worthy moments. Most sports movies suffer from this.
  6. I've had good pork ribs at Valentina's. They weren't the best I've ever had, but I would absolutely order them again if I didn't want to fill up on fatty brisket and tortillas or a beef rib.
  7. 7 points from relegation...7 points from 4th...I can't tell if my glass is half empty or half full.
  8. It was going to be fine as long as no one mentioned it...thanks a lot, Bin Laden Pato.
  9. I agree, but my inner conspiracy theorist tells me that the plan is for Georgia to win a squeaker so the SEC can get two teams into the playoff.
  10. Am I wrong to start worrying about relegation? Only 5 points clear, and we are unable to beat anyone on our schedule.
  11. Noura may be the craziest survivor of all time. So stupid to vote off Karishma. They even showed Dan saying that they need to get rid of Karishma because everyone will want to take her to the final tribal. So he'd rather compete against people who could actually win an immunity challenge or the whole thing? Did he see Karishma as his competition for the "most undeserving" spot? I think that safely belongs to Noura at his point. This is a dumb season full of dumb twists and dumber people.
  12. Maybe you should check in on South Austn's mom. That should end your dry spell.
  13. 3 points from 9 from the bottom 3 teams. Pathetic. Someone needs to tell them that there are no trophies for the team with the most draws.
  14. Tree could be #100 and it wouldn't make a bit of difference. I will be surprised if we lose by fewer than 20 points.
  15. Yeah I was wondering about that as well. He did it while everyone was napping. Still don't understand his thought process on it though. What is expecting to happen? I think it was paint, not ink, and was part of the supplies they get when they merge to make a new team sign. They showed him putting it back with the other colors after he completed his forgery. That said, I don't recall where he got the parchment for the fake.
  16. It's a Thanksgiving miracle. Can we get someone with a pulse, please? While it was very frustrating to watch his teams in his last few years as manager, Wenger was never close to having Arsenal play this poorly.
  17. I think I'm becoming a Karishma fan. I still don't understand why she is getting so many votes. I guess the other players would rather have her gone than figure out how to work with her or around her unpredictability. She's the perfect person to take to Final Tribal...or was. She's actually starting to build a resume, though I'm not sure that this jury would ever vote for her. Most of them seem the type to award likeability over game play. I was not impressed at all with Lauren's panic idol play, though I guess better to play it when you don't need to than to go home with it in your pocket. Karma for snooping through Karishma's bag, and more kudos to Karishma for keeping the idol in a place where no one would ever look, probably not even her husband. I'm hoping Dean makes it to the final 6 and makes a move that depends on his bogus legacy advantage being real.
  18. Every time I see this thread bumped, I'm hoping it is an announcement that Emery is gone. Apologies to others who are going to see this bump, and hope the same thing.
  19. So have you had it or haven't you?
  20. Then why the fuck are you posting this in the Texas BBQ thread?
  21. I was going to mention the same two teams. They should scare more teams than they do, but for whatever reason, they don't get the respect they should. I think the current top 6 teams in the West stay that way the rest of the season, though the order will shuffle. I don't think Phoenix or Minnesota end up in the playoffs, but as much parity as there is in the rest of the conference (not counting Golden State), anything could happen. My best guess for the other two teams are Portland and either OKC or Sacramento. The Pelicans could also push if Zion comes back soon, and isn't limited. Lucky for us, we won't see the Knicks again unless we both make the Finals. I could live with that.
  22. Because our regular uniforms are classics? We are winning and fun to watch. Who gives a shit what we are wearing?
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