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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. Anytime you post a photo of Adam Sandler or mention his name, it will always double post.
  2. I'm content with the outcome, and like most, am glad it wasn't the Afganimals. I think CC deserved it just for completing the rowing challenge. Victor and Nicole lost their chance when they did not immediately realize that they weren't going to be able to do it. Some teams lose because they give up on a detour too soon. Others because they didnt't give up soon enough. I thought for a while that it was going to come down to a shitty cab driver, which would have been very irritating. I miss the last leg challenges that require them to remember everywhere they have been and in what order, but I guess there are only some many ways to spin that and keep it interesting.
  3. Riley has a redheaded Anna Kendrick thing going on, but with better legs.
  4. Yep. Sorry to see them go, but you can't make unnecessary mistakes and expect to stay in it. This is pretty much were I am. I haven't found the Afganimals to be quite as annoying this time, but that's because they haven't been winning, and thus not getting so much air time. I'm not a huge fan of Corey and Tyler either, but they have acclimated to winning and aren't so obnoxious about it. They are certainly racing well, and would deserve to win.
  5. Team Fun didn't do anything wrong...that was production manufactured drama. If Nicole and Victor thought they were in front of a single line, they should have established that before it would have been their turn not whine about it after their ticket agent went on a break. Considering how it worked out, they owe Team Fun a thank you.
  6. You were saying? Nice to see that for at least one episode, and glad it didn't cause anyone to finish last.
  7. I had a feeling that Team Bromance was the next to go. I have a hard time believing that the buried coins were really that difficult to find, but we'll never know, since no other teams even really tried. I think any of the 5 reamaining teams could win, but it sure looks like Corey and Tyler have hit their stride. I don't think they'll win, but still pulling for Team Fun. Previews showed the return of the bog pole vaulting challenge that proved very difficult for some teams several seasons ago. Should be hilarious. Now all we need is cheese wheel chasing, melon catapults to the face, and a little person in a suit of armor and the season will be complete.
  8. I watched the entire season. It's not likely to take home any Emmy awards, but I like it enough to keep watching.
  9. Rachel has competed on 32 legs of the Amazing Race. That is 32 legs that I have enjoyed much less than I would have if she had competed on zero. I can't even enjoy watching her get sent home; she is that unwatchable.
  10. There was nothing at all suspicious or questionable about James's game play. He simply got beat by someone who was as knowledgeable and skilled with the buzzer as he is. His FJ bet was exactly what it should have been under the circumstances. Tony just noted why. The reason you haven't seen him bet like that before is because he hadn't been in that position. In short, hats off to the new champ. The woman who won went all in on her first DD in the DJ round, a move she likely doesn't make if she didn't know about James, so his reputation worked against him there. She bet more conservatively on the second one, but the most important thing at that point was that she kept James from getting it. I think James's run will have a lasting effect on Jeopardy moving forward. As evidenced today, there are players who can match his skills. What will be interesting is whether anyone will adopt his strategy. There has never been a player willing to risk so much when victory is assured. I doubt we will see any of his top 5 win totals surpassed anytime soon, or possibly ever if there isn't an increase in clue values. I do think we will see a general uptick in average winnings, however, as some players will likely try to mimic him, but only to a certain extent.
  11. I think that was "Shock the Nation," but I like the attitude. Guessing you meant 1990 in general, and not necessarily Texas Longhorns 1990.
  12. Glad you stopped watching. Can you not watch anything else...ever?
  13. If they did, there would be a hidden immunity idol in it...probably two of them.
  14. If this is the goal, they are doing it wrong. I will probably skip next season.
  15. Except for the part where he was the fourth person voted out and was on the wrong side of almost every meaningful vote once he returned, yeah he was a tremendous player. He was certainly entertaining, was good at challenges, and had great hidden idol radar, but his success is entirely due to playing in the right season. Any other season, he is one of the people at the reunion show who barely gets two seconds of screen time, if that. As I already said, they might as well change the name of the show to Idol Hunters. I'm not opposed to having idols in the game. They just way over use them, and make them ridiculously easy to acquire. They are a crutch for bad Survivor players, not a strategic tool for good ones. Lauren, Lauren, Lauren. So pretty. So dumb. She would not have won anyway, but still. Gavin made it to the final 3 without receiving a single vote for elimination and without finding any hidden idols. He did get one extra vote advantage from Julia, but its use did not change the outcome of a vote. He was not riding anyone's coattails. He was not being carried to the end because he wasn't seen as a threat. He did a masterful job of controlling his own fate. Based on everything we saw, my vote would have been for him. I have to hand it to Chris. He did everything he could in the short time he had, but that includes being the third person voted out. Ironically, that is what won him the game. Seeing how the voting went, with 3 of Gavin's 4 votes coming from the last three people eliminated, is very telling. None of those three had been bonding with Chris during his 28-day stay on Extinction Island. This was a vote along tribal lines all the way, with Team Extinct taking care of their own...someone they all got to know and like. Gavin's only chance would have been to find a hidden advantage of awesome personality, but they don't put those in the game...not yet anyway. I have such a love/hate thing with this show. I want to stop watching it, but I can't.
  16. Awww shit. He's one of the greats.
  17. Well I take it all back, then. Clearly Rachel and Elissa are destined for sainthood.
  18. You don't have to call them that, but I'm going to call any team that messes with Team Fun whatever I want.
  19. Both teams are insufferable cunts...hoping the other is the next to go.
  20. Greg Robinson is quietly enjoying retirement, waiting for the call. RIP, Coach Tomey
  21. So pretty much 100% of the time, it works every time?
  22. Arsenal fan, so not voting, but this is the correct answer. I cannot think of a scenario where these occurrences would ever be mutually exclusive, so forcing yourself to choose one over the other, even hypothetically is wasted emotion.
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