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Everything posted by markstanco

  1. Focus on the big trophy and we can party like it’s 1999.
  2. Only if he stares at one of them and jizzes the face of the other.
  3. Couldnt make it, had to be here early. It was nice rolling out of bed at 6 and checking/seeing the scores.
  4. Playing pretty well, SOG is a little misleading.
  5. This is the boat you need on opening morning at Bayou Meta WMA.
  6. ^^^ Listened to that the other day. No idea what he/she was doing to get off so bad.
  7. And probably half the people here either.
  8. My old HS, Atlanta High in NE Texas (drew stubbs) They did a new logo maybe 5 years ago. The team has always been maroon and white, but the did a similar aTm logo, but with aTl on hats and shirts and gear. Cease and desist letter from aggy, and they stated to not have any social media pics going forward immediately. So some track kids that had the logo on their shirts had to take them off for a pic for SM. Yea I get it on their aTm logo and font. But to piss off a texas HS fan base over letters is just dumb business. Let the high schools use your logo or fonts you dumb idiots.
  9. It can’t be more than once or twice a year where it actually worked. If it does actually work my Monday morning YT feed would have multiple videos.
  10. My parents have the olds, so they have DTV. I get YTTV and free Ballys, it is great.
  11. No Rangers? Seriously? They are advertising like they are.
  13. Totally agree. Where I live there are two traffic circles, and I would say 1 in 5 times I deal with somebody who cant navigate them properly. Ive said to friends that we should get lawn chairs and a cooler full of beer and set up in the middle of the circle to watch the hilarity.
  14. Is it possibly your internets? I log in via an Apple TV box, and I have to reset it maybe every 3-4 games because of odd log in issues, but thats it. I have found if I turn it on pre-game I will know if I need to close the app and re-log in. Im salty. -1 in a 6 goal game last night.
  15. Hate west coast games. Won’t make it, let’s go boys!
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