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Everything posted by HouTex

  1. This. I work downtown and I always take the train. And the last two years the payment kiosk near the Rusk stop didn’t work so it cost nothing.
  2. HouTex


    This. Many guys don’t dream or have any semi-conscious experiences when they are under or coming out of anesthesia. They just say they wake up with no recollection of anything. But I did dream and the dreams were wonderful. I’m actually looking forward to my next one in 2024. But if you do say something as you are coming out of unconsciousness it shouldn’t be taken too seriously. At least in my case, my dreams and occasional sleep talking are not a reflection of actual events.
  3. Yes, I know a few members there and I understood Crenshaw has a significant relationship (ownership?) with the club. Just not sure of the details and because he has a close relationship to the club I always assumed he designed the course. Because Surly loves precision, Coore & Crenshaw are the designers.
  4. I believe Austin Golf Club is a Crenshaw course. Supposed to be fantastic.
  5. Pre-Purple Rain Prince was an amazing R&B performer. Actually, it was more funk. I saw him at the Summit in Houston in the early 80’s before he became a global pop star and it is still one of the best live performances I’ve ever seen.
  6. Blowin in the Wind Hey Jude Kashmere American Pie Born to Run Comfortably Numb Satisfaction
  7. After the argument but before the verdict some of the talking heads (mostly lawyers) on cable were saying how brilliant the defense attorney was in his closing and how he identified so many ways for the jury to find reasonable doubt. I always find it interesting that so-called experts can be so confident about something and be so wrong.
  8. Tiger is not charismatic? I have to disagree and I was not an early fan. He’s grown on me in recent years and especially with the tampon joke.
  9. I get Ed Helms and Jason Sudeikis confused.
  10. Not a bad deal compared to camps like Camp Longhorn and the camps in Hunt. You pretty much have to register soon after your kid is born (and it helps to be a legacy) and the cost was about 2.5x that amount 8 years ago.
  11. 1. Me 2. Several people I know knew Bush 41. 3. Bush 41 4. Duke of Windsor (formerly Edward VIII). 5. Hitler
  12. You don’t need Chamberlain. You can go to QEII to Edward VIII (later known as Duke of Windsor) to Hitler.
  13. My jury duty notice is in today’s mail.
  14. My expectation is that it would be self sufficient. It’s the price tag that shocked me.
  15. I haven’t read the entire thread, but I’m curious in how the $14-16k number is calculated. I have a 3,900 square feet patio home and my usage peaked last year in July at around 2,500 kWH for the month. That bill was about $292. I want power back up and I don’t have the room on my property for a Generac. I called Tesla a few months ago and they quoted me around $88,000 for a system, including batteries, that would power my house for a couple of days after a grid outage depending on sunlight. I said no thanks. I’m guessing the batteries will come down in price over the next few years and I might revisit a solar solution.
  16. More on GHIN, it’s nice because of the transparency. Sandbaggers that aren’t very careful can be exposed. It’s difficult to catch the assholes that intentionally miss putts, but when a guy is not recording rounds when everybody knows he plays all the time it’s easy to see.
  17. Competition wasn’t huge, but no Yankees were involved. Some decent chili was made, although three of them had beans. WTF is the tuxedo comment? Classic Surly hyperbole.
  18. My firm had a chili cookoff today and I made my usual recipe. It’s similar to the Pedernales Red recipe posted in this thread. I reviewed this thread for any new ideas and I saw my old posts regarding dry chili powder vs. reconstituted puréed whole dried chilies. I’ve never noticed a big difference. But I decided to go with the puréed reconstituted chilies. For about 5.5 lbs. of chuck roast (cut into 2 inch pieces and pulsed in my cuisinart to desired texture) I used around 10 whole ancho chiles and around 10 whole guajillo chiles in place of most of the Mexene powder. I added 2 Tbl of Mexene just because. I’m still not certain that it was a game-changer, but it was one of my better efforts. It won first place. Sorry, no pics. On the vitamix vs cheap blender question, I recently replaced my ancient Waring Professional bar blender with a new Ninja Professional 1000w. $59 at Costco. The Ninja puréed the chiles perfectly in about 45 seconds. We’ll see how long the motor lasts. I’ve heard that the motors in most cheaper modern blenders and food processors are made to last about 5 years.
  19. ^^^^ Depends on where you were sitting. Our section stood most of the time. I was right of the stage lower level. Pretty good seats. I noticed some of the sections far from the stage were mostly in a sit down mode. It was a fabulous show, as expected.
  20. New technology helps. But it really is the Indian and not the arrow.
  21. Not bad at all. But impossible to fill Clemons’ shoes. Looking forward to the show tomorrow.
  22. Clemons’ sax intro in Night was incredible. How was the saxophone play without him?
  23. So you agree that felons currently cannot own or handle a weapon. Correct?
  24. I thought felons can’t legally own or handle guns. I know an old Enron guy who plead to a felony offense (though I thought the charge was BS) and he couldn’t even handle a gun. When he took his son on hunting trips with other fathers he was careful to never touch the weapon. He also can’t vote.
  25. In for the Austin show. I’m going with my UT freshman roommate. He and I attended Springsteen’s concert in the Frank Irwin Center in 1980. Second row seats then. IIRC we paid around $30 per ticket. A guy in the frat was on some UT committee and had access to good seats.
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