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Everything posted by HouTex

  1. We did the same. Never a scratch. Back then it was called good clean fun.
  2. HouTex

    Tennis Thread

    Looks good. Does he have a foot fault issue? He’s way behind the line.
  3. Agreed. But in the case I mentioned there was no history.
  4. Yep. That's why I said perhaps it could have been prevented. But in the case I mentioned, despite what the "experts" in this thread think, there was no warning.
  5. Tragic story all around. Could it have been prevented? Perhaps. Is it happening more now than ever before? I'm not sure. In the 70's a very close family friend's brother shot and killed his three kids, his wife and then himself in Sharpstown. In that case there was no recorded history of abuse or unusual behavior. Sometimes, shit does happen.
  6. I’ve been on 10 mg Crestor for many years. No side effects at all. Lipids and overall cholesterol numbers are pretty much perfect.
  7. Sheets are too small for an authentic strudel. You have to pull the dough to make a rectangle 3 feet by 4 feet and then roll it up like a jelly roll. Maybe you could try to put a bunch of sheets together and hope you can roll them up. Or do a bunch of individual strudels. But the homemade dough is easy enough.
  8. Thanks to my big stick, 78 from the old man’s tees yesterday. That was with a skulled 35 yard approach on a par 5 that led to a double bogey and three bad 3 putts. Two birdies though. Equipment and balls are so good that at 60 I’m hitting the ball as far, if not farther, as I ever have.
  9. I don’t care if anyone uses those spots. Having more than one or two is dumb anyway. I prefer a longer walk, but I’m not a fattie.
  10. My theory is that those guys believe that any sex is better than no sex. The guys that fuck fat women have limited options. Duh, if they could they would be with attractive women. So they must boost the attractiveness of fat chicks to salvage a little self esteem. In my day, if you fucked a fat chick you were given horrible grief.
  11. I’ll never understand that some guys think that fat women are attractive. I guess beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
  12. Unreal. Sorry, or maybe not, but Darwin is real. We don’t want people that stupid to be procreating.
  13. HouTex

    Getting old sucks

    Disease of kings. You are eating too well.
  14. I have the small, two burner Weber gas grill and it is great for what it is. Being empty nesters we want something quick for burgers, steaks and fajitas. I use my BGE for everything else.
  15. My favorite Asian cookbook.
  16. I’m sure it’s been mentioned many times but wrap an empty beer can in foil and put it under the brisket. It will fit. After it shrinks in a few hours it will easily fit without the can.
  17. I had it in June, so probably not the latest variant, but my symptoms were similar. I lost my sense of smell and taste a few days after most of my symptoms went away. My senses came back in about 36 hours.
  18. Nice LA trip. I’ve played LACC once a few years ago and it is very cool. I love playing old courses that now are pretty much in the middle of a big city.
  19. In the mid 80’s there was a father in Louisiana who was video taped at an airport waiting by some pay phones as a guy was being returned to face charges of killing (and I recall molesting) his son. As the suspect walked by the father shot and killed and him. IIRC, he got probation.
  20. I haven’t tracked it recently but when I looked at the amount that China holds early in the pandemic I thought it was in the 3-4 T range. I could be wrong. Still, it’s a start. Why pay those assholes anything.
  21. We should offset our Covid related costs against the trillions of US debt China holds. At least negotiate a reduction. Many say that it would completely screw the US in the credit markets. Well, don’t release (negligently or otherwise) a global pandemic and you’ve got nothing to worry about.
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