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Everything posted by HouTex

  1. Make sure it has a deflector plate or you’ll need to buy one for long smokes. Also get a grate with feet that sits on the main grate that allows for another level of cooking for ribs or whatever.
  2. I loved my polaris 280. Super easy to maintain with very few moving parts. It kept my pool very clean.
  3. Watching the first two episodes is my July 4th tradition. Adams’ church speech perfectly describes how our rights are derived.
  4. Other than the obvious, the following also occurred on this date: 1802 US Military Academy officially opens (West Point, NY) 1803 The Louisiana Purchase is announced to the American people by President Thomas Jefferson 1826 Past presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both die on the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, President John Quincy Adams calls "visible and palpable remarks of Divine Favor" 1845 Texas Congress votes for annexation to US 1976 Operation Entebbe - Israel rescues 229 Air France hostage passengers In Uganda (3 hostages die along with Ugandan soldiers and Israeli soldier)
  5. 1535 Sir Thomas More goes on trial in England charged with treason 1776 1st vote on Declaration of Independence for Britain's North American colonies 1898 Theodore Roosevelt and his Rough Riders charge up San Juan Hill 1916 Coca-Cola brings current coke formula to the market 1916 First day of the Battle of the Somme: the British Army suffers its worst day, losing 19,240 men (WWI) 1960 Fidel Castro nationalizes Esso, Shell & Texaco in Cuba
  6. dishwasher color TV two cars in a household in ground pool country club membership eating out more than 2x a month
  7. I’ve had some older wines that may have been stored improperly and that type of cork screw with the post down the center often rips right through the center of the cork. The screws in post #4 and #8 work better on drier corks. On very old wines sometimes it takes the kind of opener with two flat stiff wires that are inserted on opposite sides of the cork and there’s enough tension to pull the cork out without using a screw at all.
  8. I watched it and probably will keep watching. My only complaint is that I would like to see less of her husband.
  9. I have found that, except for short ribs, most meats get too mushy or rubbery after about 4 hours in the water bath. I don’t let my steaks or pork chops go past 2 hours.
  10. This rain will never end.
  11. Back in the mid 80’s, UT gave an accounting class during your last semester which was a CPA review. IIRC, the exam was administered in early summer. So you basically spent 4-5 months studying for the exam. I was lucky to pass all four parts in my first sitting. Then you needed two years of experience to get your CPA. It’s different now. I think you need 5 years of college to even take the exam.
  12. HouTex

    Getting old sucks

    CVS or Walgreens. My insurance paid 100%. They are considered very effective. The old shingles vaccine was not very effective and it was only recommended for people over 60. The new Shingrix is for people 50+. On your not remembering chicken pox, I’m guessing most people don’t remember having it. I don’t. Our parents made sure we all got it when we were very young because it’s no big deal for the tots. There actually were play dates with kids who were infected to make sure we would get it early.
  13. HouTex

    Getting old sucks

    My experience as well with both shots last year. The new vaccine came out a few months after I came down with shingles. I was 55.
  14. Major flashback to first year property law class in 1986. Livery of seisin: Snapping of twigs, throwing of clods and boxing of ears.
  15. At some point in 7 years it will be $140. In that same time it may also be $30. Markets.
  16. This. I’ve had homegrown tomatoes that taste like water. Some people over water them. It’s really a fruit. Like a grape vintage, if they get too much water before harvest it kills the vintage.
  17. There may be some further limits to the Texas homestead exemption if a bankruptcy case is filed within 1215 days of the acquisition of the homestead. The 2005 changes to the Bankruptcy Code placed some limitations on the exemptions for relatively newly acquired homesteads.
  18. Being in Houston I can’t recommend an ortho in Austin unless Fondren Orthopedic has an office there.
  19. You might have broken a bone in your foot. I rolled my ankle badly several years ago (with a loud pop) and it caused an avulsion fracture of my 5th metatarsal. Basketball players get this often. IIRC Durant had it. I was in a cast for a couple of weeks and then crutches for a few more weeks. Go to an orthopedic surgeon. He will likely xray it. Then you will know it it’s something broken or just an ankle sprain.
  20. Overall PV10 value or is that just for the PDP piece of it? Of course it depends on the assets, but for the larger deals I come across very little value is given for PUDs and Possibles.
  21. In the 70’s it was a common report by Dave Ward on Channel 13 news of some murder or violent crime in one of the wards. Dave Ward loved to say ward. I’ve lived in the greater Houston area my entire life except for my four years at UT and I don’t know which wards are which. I know a few people who are moving to some of them. Location, location, location.
  22. Go to Goody Goody or Spec’s, but it seems like GG has a better selection in the $15-25 range, and buy pretty much any 2015 or 2016 red Bordeaux in that price range. They are not big Cali cab fruit bombs but in great vintages like 2015 and 2016 most of the cru bourgeois wines are excellent values. Costco usually will carry one or two inexpensive Bordeaux and in great vintages they can be outstanding. The 2018’s will be great as well and the less expensive ones should appear in stores in about a year or so.
  23. Our travertine did fine with our salt pool. I used the sealer Impregnator### (I forgot the numbers) and it did not change the appearance of the travertine and it worked great. If I ever have another pool it will be a salt pool.
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