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Everything posted by HouTex

  1. A cheap way to cool your pool during hot spells is to make a fountain out of pvc pipe. You screw one or two of them into your return nozzles and run the pump nonstop. As the fine spray goes up and returns to the pool some of it evaporates and it cools. I was able to get my pool down to around 88 or so from 95 in the drought of the early ‘10’s. It took about a day of running the pump at full speed. Google it if you are curious.
  2. I found those videos online and considered doing that. I said above my garage ceiling was 10 feet but it may be 12 feet. I haven’t measured it but it’s way taller than a basketball goal. My closet ceiling is normal height so I may try the rewire and keep the same fixtures in place.
  3. I replaced one of my three garage fixtures today. The only problem for me is working on a tall ladder. My garage has a 10 foot ceiling and attaching the new fixture to the ceiling while working on a tall ladder was the hardest part. It was worth it.
  4. This is timely. The ballasts on our garage and master bedroom walk-in closet fluorescents are failing. I replaced one. House is only 6 years old. Don’t know the builder used them. Didn’t know this was an option. So it’s straightforward to take out the old florescent fixture and install the LEDs?
  5. And IIRC, it was $2k per eye. Don’t go with the lowest bidder on this type of thing.
  6. Insurance?? No insurance for mine when I did it 15 years ago.
  7. Same here. Cheese (cheddar!!) in Czech style sausage is a relatively recent thing. The Czechs in west Fort Bend County would have laughed out loud if someone wanted cheese in their sausage circa 1980.
  8. If I could have played 18 I most certainly would have blown up on the next nine. That’s why I’m a 10.1 index.
  9. 1934 Great dustbowl storm sweeps across US prairies 1940 Winston Churchill says "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat" in his first speech as Prime Minister to British House of Commons 1955 Mickey Mantle hits 3 consecutive HRs of at least 463' 1973 Bobby Riggs beats Margaret Smith Court in Mother's Day match in California 1981 Pope John Paul II is shot and critically wounded by Turkish gunman Mehemet Ali Agca in St Peter's Square, Vatican City
  10. Your stone work (which is nice) probably prevents it, but I used a saltwater chlorine generator and loved it for chlorinating my pool. If your stone is very hard it still might work. My coping was travertine and I sealed it well and never had a problem. I never needed a pool guy it was so low maintenance.
  11. 1940 Nazi blitzkrieg and conquest of France begins with the crossing of the Muese River 1942 Nazi U-boat sinks American cargo ship at mouth of Mississippi River 1943 Axis forces in North Africa surrender 1951 1st H Bomb test, on Enewetak Atoll
  12. Played 9 on Saturday—only nine were open where i played. Shot a 35 (even par). Beat my best 9 hole score by three shots. I missed read a par putt (a three putt) on 9 for my only bogey. Not bad for a 10 index.
  13. Remove the flaking and get a smooth surface then make a roux, fry some chicken or CFS. Any of those always results in a well seasoned cast iron skillet.
  14. 1902 Mount Pelée on the French overseas island of Martinique erupts, wiping out the city of Saint-Pierre, killing 30,000 and leaving only two survivors 1945 V-E Day: World War II ends in Europe after Germany signs an unconditional surrender 1963 "Dr No" premieres in US 1967 Muhammad Ali is indicted for refusing induction in US Army
  15. HouTex


    That’s why, for high end wines from Cali or Bordeaux, I buy direct from the winery in Cali or futures for Bordeaux. I’ve never use those online sellers. There’s also the issue of Texas’s bullshit laws on cross border retail purchases.
  16. I’m sort of the next generation younger than Armybrat (circa 80-84 at UT) but I clearly identify with him more than the people under 45 on this forum. As far as this thread goes, my four years living in West Campus were incredible. I can’t imagine a better place in the country to be an undergrad.
  17. Nice touch with the Brit spelling of “judgment.”
  18. And at Orange Tree, Tri Towers, Garden Gate, and at all the fraternity houses. Pretty much everywhere in West Campus. That happens a lot in college.
  19. Lol. I saw a show in the last month or two that had some relatively (last several years) recently declassified interviews from the 40’s or early 50’s with several of the people in Hitler’s bunker on that last day. They might even have been around the time of the Nuremberg trials. They were the lower level staff—not the generals or SS officers. I’m sure they were all lying. [sarcasm]
  20. So, did he escape to Argentina?
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