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Everything posted by BrickHorn

  1. You’re a satire account, right?
  2. I’m not convinced his feet were down after he caught the ball. Fuck OU
  3. She’s using the same tactic all Republican liars use these days: wink to the extremists in vague terms, only later to use the vagueness to reframe her comments according to acceptable norms. That’s not leadership. It’s pandering to idiots while clinging to mainstream viability. Haley very clearly intended to excuse the Confederacy’s sins as a righteous fight against an oppressive government and for states’ and individual rights. Of course, the individuals she was talking about were white slaveholders. She was speaking directly to tired Southern apologetics. Now when rightly called out for her idiotic crap, she flips the message entirely as if she intended to criticize the tyranny of the Confederate states. That message is incoherent. No one from the rational / Unionist perspective has ever framed the Civil War as a dispute over tyranny or the southern states’ denial of free speech or the right to bear arms or whatever. It was about the fact that human beings were literally enslaved. tl;dr Haley is a gaslighting fuckstick.
  4. Just wait until you see who’s on the Aggies’ short list for Third Base Coach.
  5. How was that not a false start on pretty much the entire Okie State offense?
  6. Small quibble: religion is much more nuanced than that. It’s kind of an amalgamation of a bunch of weird evolutionary quirks, like the net benefit of hyper alertness to the possibility of a nearby unseen agent (which might be a gust of wind in the grass, but might also be a tiger), the ability to mentally plan for a future that does not yet exist (of which an afterlife is a natural extension), and the group survival benefits of the Us/Them dichotomy. But I agree with you that it’s all hocus-pocus bullshit and a net detriment to mankind. That’s for damned sure.
  7. BrickHorn


    No need to smuggle. You can buy Delta 9 THC sodas here.
  8. BrickHorn


    Totally with you on that. And I’m hardly opposed to regulation and oversight on stuff like this. My point is (trying not to stray into CR territory): the status quo on weed is most consistent with Texas’s attitude towards business. Let entrepreneurs do their thing, safety and shit be damned. But in this case, it conflicts with the state’s general moral opposition to marijuana. So, which will win out? Texans’ unregulated commerce fetish or their puritanical bias?
  9. BrickHorn


    Are there any hemp-derived brands you think are legit?
  10. That’s Republicanism in a nutshell. “Fuck those grimy beggars. Now… where’s all my free shit?”
  11. BrickHorn


    I am fascinated by the legal and business angle to hemp in Texas. At this point, full legalization might end up more restrictive than the status quo in many regards. Where recreational weed is legal, the state typically (exclusively?) regulates retail sales so that you have to go to a licensed dispensary, show your ID, etc. But currently in Texas, hemp-derived THC products are sold OTC in all kinds of random places: head shops, smoke shops, gas stations, hipster grocery stores. There’s even a fucking weed trailer downtown. And tons of companies have popped up to offer a wide range of edible products. If we “legalize,” does all that free market, small business entrepreneur shit get shut down? In other words, would legalization actually make the Texas THC market less free than it currently is?
  12. I interpreted “started” to mean more than just “was recruited by others to join the band from the beginning.” Starting implies to me some creative spark: who had the idea to start the band and worked to make it happen. Clapton was not that guy when he was playing good music.
  13. Thats ambiguous. My point is Clapton was a guitarist-for-hire for the best parts of his career, and kind of just along for the ride. He certainly wasn’t remotely the leader of any of his first (and best) three bands. That’s why he kept quitting: if he had a disagreement, he lost and had to move on. So yeah, Clapton was in a bunch of successful bands. But most of them weren’t his band.
  14. Fuck if I know, but they fucking rock and were massively influential in the stoner / desert rock scene.
  15. Clapton was the second name that came to mind. But his best work was as a free agent with Mayall, followed by Cream and Yardbirds. Generally, the quality of Clapton’s output was inversely proportional to the amount of control he had over it.
  16. Oh and also you probably need a porn accountability partner and a date for the upcoming purity ball (preferably one who won’t put out).
  17. America fought the Cold War against commies like you who wanted to ban Rich Eisen porn. And we won. So get over it.
  18. President Biden’s son has been publicly hung ever since those photos came out.
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