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Everything posted by BrickHorn

  1. I guess abortions are still legal in Spain today. /no cr
  2. Counter-counterpoint: economic hardship is a Petri dish for racism. The more secure people feel in their jobs and income, the less likely they are to scapegoat and fear out-groups.
  3. I blame the Democrats for becoming slightly-less-mean-spirited Republicans. The Dems fucked over their former labor base and let the working class deteriorate into an angry populist mob.
  4. The US is fucked. We’re barreling full-speed towards regressive fascism. The antidote is an educated populace. But oops! The fascists convinced the rubes decades ago that a secular, objective education was the work of the devil. So now we’re stuck with a bunch of greedy, angry dummies who can’t see what’s coming and idiotically equate the equitable solution to capitalist fascism (democratic socialism) with absolute evil. Because commies or atheists or some shit. It’s going to take generations to recover from this sabotage of America.
  5. Fascism is little more than a bunch of losers and assholes whining about how persecuted they are.
  6. Bitcoin is a great currency! You can use it to buy stuff from like at least 4 or 5 places, you usually don’t have to wait more than a few hours for the payment to clear, its buying power fluctuates wildly day to day, and it only costs around $200 per transaction.
  7. Congratulations! You have achieved Alex Jones Level misunderstanding! This achievement badge enables you to jump to wild, sinister conclusions based on the most superficial interpretation of innocuous quotes taken completely out of context.
  8. So god came down to earth as a cow this time? I for one welcome our new Cattlelic Church overlords.
  9. He’s a troll. Ignore accordingly.
  10. You and I have very different definitions of “fine.”
  11. The PT and ST are garbage. They aren’t worth watching or discussing and they water down what was otherwise the groundbreaking, superbly constructed OT. The only value of the PT and ST is their role as inspiration for the insightful and hilarious classic takedowns of them by Red Letter Media.
  12. Any of you arguing that this kid had it coming or got what he deserved or that this is somehow a return to the good old days of adults who should know better beating up kids for making the kinds of poor, irresponsible decisions that kids have always made need to get a fucking grip. Kids fuck up. That doesn’t make them irredeemable. Every single one of us fucked up when we were teenagers, and only some of y’all turned out to be loathsome scumbags as adults. It’s our duty as adults to behave with restraint and wisdom, not lash out like angry, overgrown toddlers every time some punk insults you.
  13. I didn’t mind, because it meant more screen time for the Witch Doctor chick and she’s a lot cuter than Daniel Freitas.
  14. That was a weird tournament, especially the Round of 8.
  15. Give the bothsideser bullshit a rest, you fucking troll.
  16. Pretty sure some of my friends know Kayleigh. I’ll if they have any amusing antidotes about her.
  17. This guy is absolutely the exemplar of out of touch Hollywood narcissists. You’re a fucking actor. God didn’t call you to do shit.
  18. Dude couldn’t even knock scrawny ass Chris Rock over with a free punch. No wonder that pussy had to flee Philly.
  19. He’s still in the audience acting like nothing happened. Like he didn’t just assault Chris Rock on national TV. And like his wife didn’t fuck some musician behind his back.
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