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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 'stache

  1. They work for free these days, right?
  2. That sounds about right. That sounds hilariously dumb (the first part).
  3. I can help you out here. In the middle of the state is the capital, Oklahoma City, whose downtown has several midrise buildings surrounding a massive phallic tower in the middle, which makes it look like the city is giving you the finger, or wants you to stare at its boner. Either way, it's quite off putting. About 20 miles south is a town called Moore, where Toby Keith was born, which is almost certainly why god tries to wipe it off the map every few years with tornadoes. Just south of there is Norman, where the University of Oklahoma was founded, and who in all their wisdom decided to reverse the letters in their abbreviation, something that nobody noticed for about a hundred years, because most people down there can barely read. Nevertheless, they cheated and got good at football and that's about all there is to know about that.
  4. In Oklahoma the judge doesn’t respond, the parties in interest respond. I assume it’s the same there. It would be trumps lawyers saying she’s right and smiths team saying she’s wrong. Naming the judge as the respondent is a matter of form because the order would be for her to do or not do something.
  5. I can't say I follow her all that closely, but I got the sense that the hatred for her wasn't about being crazy on the court, but off court stuff, including defending Briles et al. and more recently going full cloak room on her best player of all time, including offering basically a "good for her" comment when her jersey was retired in Waco and not much more. There's also the reports that she encouraged Griner and others to not be so open about being gay. That's my perception of her at least and why I think she's quite cunty. I don't really care all that much if she yells and throws tantrums from the sidelines like Sampson et al.
  6. I'll watch for DAG, but doesn't look particularly funny or interesting tbh. I agree the Key and Peele sketch was probably good enough. I'll hope to be pleasantly surprised. And lol at Whitey McWhiteson getting all butthurt up in here and his movie equivalent of "but how come there no white history month??"
  7. She's alright I guess, a little too horsefaced for my taste though.
  8. Trump just called immigrants "animals." His numbers will go up.
  9. Dumb idea but I’d switch allegiances in a heartbeat if the Chiefs moved to the Cotton Bowl.
  10. Football should have broken off at least 20 years ago, or at least when the questions arose about UCLA having to send its volleyball team to New Jersey for conference matches. It’s like nobody thought that maybe the money making sport that can justify travel costs should be different. Make a billion dollars with Oregon v. Penn State in football, whatever, but don’t make the diving team do that just because. Let everything else play geographically. You would think that two schools from the Pacific Coast joining the Atlantic Coast Conference would finally make people step back and figure out a better way, but nope. Just mind numbingly stupid.
  11. Both. I hope that’s true but I’m not willing to stake the future of this country on these numbers. It’s far more important that a fascist buffoon is defeated in November, whatever it takes.
  12. Is this a sports announcement or a new season of The Bachelor?
  13. I hate it, but if he blocks it, Trump becomes president, I truly believe that to be true with where the people are on Israel.
  14. Tulsa Public Schools had three school board elections yesterday. Each race had a normal supporter of public education and a Moms for Liberty extremist including one who is a plaintiff against the school board for hiring a Black superintendent (or as they put it "failed to conduct a national search" (false) and made a DEI hire (because Black equals unqualified)). All three normies won by pretty healthy margins. T Also, Oklahoma Attorney General argued to the state supreme court against a Catholic charter school that the governor and his cronies allowed to go into operation with state funds. AG will almost certainly win that case and hopefully will be our next governor (he's still pretty right wing on stuff and not someone I like in general but relatively sane among the nonsense). hings like this bring a moment of sanity to my life, at least until the next whack job proposal which is sure to come quick.
  15. So KC voted down the stadium? Baseball should be downtown, period.
  16. Nice to finally beat ORU, we'd lost four straight to them (they did go to the CWS last year and are pretty bad this year so a lose would have sucked). Final conference Bedlam series this weekend. Goddamn I want to at least win two.
  17. Turned 42 a few months ago apparently. He got the job at 35. He's less than a year older than me, and I recall that hitting me strangely when he got the job (I was already starting to feel old). To even get that job he had to show some serious maturity for that age and it certainly came through. Can't believe it was 7 damn years ago.
  18. Are you talking about the cops and firefighters standing behind him? They almost certainly agree with every word he said, hence why they are there to begin with. Like every thing he says that would have buried a politician not too long ago, this just strengthens his support. He's still gonna win a huge share of Cuban and Mexican-American votes, because people are just hateful and dumb.
  19. He said on the record that Israel should agree to a ceasefire. That's about as centrist as it gets today. Yes, his history is far more staunch, same with several other issues on which he's softened (except pot for some dumb reason).
  20. Missed the joke, sorry. Mike Boynton's favorite hashtag was #LetsWork and I've seen some OSU fans posting #LutzWork. Kinda funny. Some of it is mean sprited, but most still like Boynton while agreeing that we needed to move on (that's where I am). I saw that he's joining Mays staff at Michigan. He'll be a head coach again soon enough. He's only 41.
  21. Considering moving the basketball program not only off campus but out of Norman. Maybe build in Moore and change the mascot to the Toby Keith’s. It seems to me that colleges that play off campus are always looking for ways to build on campus. Never seen it the other way around. Might be the dumbest idea ever. https://www.oudaily.com/news/joseph-harroz-entertainment-district-nil-dei-intercollegiate-athletics/article_7d877730-f13f-11ee-afca-4b7bf6bfb248.html
  22. Remember, the magats earned their social security and theirs will be protected, it's only going to take from the lazy welfare queens (i.e., Blacks). Most of them literally believe that to be true.
  23. I have no idea if it was intentional, but I can see it being so to determine how far they can really go without losing support. No western ally leader can go against Israel and still win elections, especially the presidency of the United States. That's just how it is, unfortunately. Biden has called for a ceasefire without any teeth and that's about as far as he can go without losing tons of votes from the "I stand by Israel" crowd which still has many adherents on the left, primarily "centrist" democrats which are still a huge part of the party. It feels like I saw the story on multiple outlets initially and not much since. It's still the political reality of how things stand. I really wish young progressives would continue their advocacy without saying they won't vote for Biden. I have no doubt that Biden is pretty centrist on Israel, but even if he agreed with the young progressives, he can't push too hard without letting trump take the white house, in which case he'd probably just give Israel nukes to wipe Gaza off the map.
  24. I don't get it, what about his resume is laughable? He's the exact type of hire we should be and are capable of making. I'm pretty sure we lined up some donors to back up a Brinks truck for Bill Self but it's never gonna happen. After that it's a successful mid-major head coach or high major assistant. This fits the bill. He also was an assistant under Painter at Purdue and McDermott at Creighton. One can never predict how these things will play out, but everything I've read and seen so far makes me like the hire.
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