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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 'stache

  1. Haha, kinda, but not as funny, because I'm genuinely pissed off at today's predominant (or most visible if some of you prefer) form of Christianity. Just blows my mind how awful people are in the name of a religion that is supposed to make them good. I just don't get it.
  2. I see we're back to "the predominant form of Christianity practiced by people in power who are using their beliefs to run all of our lives" isn't the real form of Christianity so we shouldn't be so judgy. Sorry, but your little Sunday clubs finally ran amok, and I'm gonna be judgy as shit. It's becoming like the republican party at this point. Sure some of you don't worship the racist fascist fuck face but those in power do so I'm gonna judge the shit out of anyone who votes R at this point. If we want to Make America Great again, how about we treat religion the way the founding fathers did and how it was generally viewed in this country before that shit head Reagan embraced the "Moral Majority" and started manipulating the masses to do their bidding in the name of religion? Yeah, I'm gonna keep judging until you all get your fucking house in order and get that shit out of politics and stop trying to run a fucking theocracy. Worship however the fuck you want in your own lives. Let your kids get blowjobs and anal at Falls Creek. I really don't give a shit until they started using that shit to run our fucking lives and demonize anyone who isn't a rich WASP. Fuck it all.
  3. Bankruptcy attorney takes a case in which his client is trying to use bankruptcy to avoid paying their prior lawyers. I know the bankruptcy attorneys fee claim gets priority but still lulz. Rudy knows damn well he can’t get a discharge of the big judgment. Just a delay tactic. If it was a common debtor abusing the system like this he’d be sanctioned but he’s famous and nothing matters anymore.
  4. Well yeah, they’re the republican oligarchs, who are really intelligent and use it to manipulate a bunch of bumpkins to vote to never tax their wealth and to instead blame immigrants and drag queens for something or other. The way they fall for wedge issues that have nothing to do with them is pretty astonishing. Our citizens are too stupid to exist as a country.
  5. J. Bateman? His character in Ozark was terrible but Arrested Development still holds up and the podcast is pretty good. Pretty big get for aggy to pull him away from Hollywood.
  6. Literally nothing matters to these people, including abortion. Texas ain't turning blue. I gave up that hope when Hillary and Beto got thrashed. The fact that a pathetic sack of shit like Cruz could pull that big of a margin tells me enough. The blue parts of the cities doesn't come close to outweighing the rural hicks who don't care even a little bit about the issues, just Hunters dong and lib tears. Fox News and their even further right cousin networks have made politics a spectator sport. Their team is dominating and they get all tingly every time a poor lib gets slaughtered at the polls.
  7. It's a valid argument but has to be paired with specifics of other bad circumstances. Usually poverty, or having a similarly inattentive or troubled mother, etc., etc. These kids will be fine because their fathers have created generational wealth but they will still lack for love and attention. They might fall into bad circumstances for other reasons and there is still emotional damage that can be done regardless of wealth. When you know with almost absolute certainty that you won't live to see your kid's 18th birthday, fuck you. Wear a rubber with your 20 year old trophy wife or put her on the pill. With Cannon, there is zero chance he can give all those kids the attention they deserve despite his wealth, so fuck him too.
  8. The Big 10 has staked their claim to the layers out west. I don’t see the need or desire for them to go south. When the math goes to unequal revenue sharing I think Cal and Stanford will go Big 10. FSU/Clemson are SEC all the way in culture and otherwise. Miami is the only southern school that might be closer to Big 10 culture. INC and UVA too if they’re considered southern. But because of tv ratings mentioned above I think FSU/Clemson are the only ones leaving until unequal revenue sharing.
  9. Yeah, all these republicans in Texas and in the south losing elections because of this issue. NOT. We are a hopeless nation full of idiots.
  10. Yes I know, which is why I hate the timing. It became necessary in that moment in time. One year later and it would have been completely different. The PAC would not have stayed together in my opinion either way. Once USC/UCLA bolted, UO and UW leaving was inevitable.
  11. I think we'll win the next two. This is a good team. Their problem is a complete inability to adjust if the opponent comes out hot. That is why this team will go nowhere in the playoffs. The second an opponents game plan works well we're toast.
  12. They blame Joe Biden for killing their hard earned government benefits. It's the "others" that should lose benefits, not them. You know, "welfare queens," who are mooches. But they themselves, they earned those benefits, because they work so hard. This is literally how they think.
  13. Mick Jagger is fine since he's immortal and will outlive any kid he has at his age.
  14. The timing of all this is what really pisses me off. If we knew the PAC would fold there's no way we would have added UCF, UH, Cincy, and probably not even BYU. Now that the ACC is in peril and the SEC and Big 10 might be at capacity (I doubt it but just a what if), we could have poached the best of the PAC left behinds and the top of the ACC for a heck of a league, and yeah, probably multiple playoff spots. The money would still be less, but not as big a gap as there is now. This would make one heck of a league: Utah, CU, AU, ASU, Tech, TCU, BU, OSU, KU, KSU, ISU, WVU, FSU, Clemson, VT, UVA, UNC, Miami. If the ACC is truly dead, then I'd be open to GT, Pitt, NC State, even SMU and BYU. But the above would be solid af. If FSU and Clemson and a few others make the Big 10 or SEC, I could also see the Big 12 and ACC dissolving and reforming with the best of the rest, which would leave behind some programs. It's the only way I can think of to rid ourselves of the waco rapists too.
  15. Isn’t UCF going to be making more than them in a few years? It would make sense if the Big 10 and SEC don’t want them, but they will take them the second they’re available, so it’s sort of a non starter.
  16. They already recruit and draw tv ratings in the region. I don’t understand your point. It sounds like the tv network subscription “one team per state” model that caused a massive change in cfb then died within a decade. Bunch of nonsense.
  17. Didn't Al Pacino have a kid with some woman in her 20s this year? Yeah, someone else too, and old rock and roll guy I think. The age difference between partners is not my business, but the kid won’t have a father for very long and might not even have memories. That’s just shitty.
  18. Ninety percent of the time I say none of my business but sometimes it’s ok to be judgmental. Fuck that guy. Same with these 80 year old bastards having kids. Such cruelty to a poor child to guarantee they won’t know their father very long if at all.
  19. It’s Florida, pretty sure every public restroom is manned by a pecker checker.
  20. If we had known that nobody would care about his shit character and would be an NFL MVP candidate, maybe we shouldn’t have booted him [/sarcasm]. Seriously, nobody seems to give a shit. I never hear it brought up that literally days after being a Bedlam hero he choked his pregnant girlfriend and was booted. Do you know how hard it is to be kicked off a team days after one of the most iconic plays in your fanbases’ history? Fucking horrible person.
  21. I went to TexAgs and there's no discussion of the bowl game whatsoever. Just more proof they don't actually care about the games, just talk about how great every coach, player, and recruit is while ignoring the actual game outcomes. When we beat them all over the field they'll just blame the transition or that the game is above them as SEC and they just didn't care. Seems that the case anytime an SEC team gets their butts whipped in a bowl game. "They're too good and didn't want to be there."
  22. I think CTE and other injuries are also going to make football far less popular, although that may take more than 20 years. I think in say 50 years a bunch of athletes will have avoided football for other less dangerous sports. I know the game goes fast but I truly think players could do more to avoid lowering their helmets or trying to break WR's with NFL Blitz hits. I think it's probably old school coaches who refuse to teach a different form of tackling, because it's all "pussy" shit to them, and they like the good old days of breaking people in half for fun.
  23. He's confusing religion with theocracy. The theocrats in that region won, that's why it's the way it is currently. The theocrats are winning here and we'll be the same backwards shithole if they win nationwide.
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