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Alien Octopus

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Alien Octopus

  1. Cheap shot , like Bama did McCoy. Dabo staking his claim to King Saban’s thrown.
  2. Plenty of unspoiled beach between San Luis Pass and Surfside, so like maybe a mile from Galveston Isle.
  3. Now those Cheaters are really going to get bounced out of West Point.
  4. T Herman definition of imposing our will painfully means that he will not make in-game adjustments. He is constantly throwing away points by doubling down on this mantra, and shitting on momentum/scoring. He needs every gotdamned point that presents itself and for some reason even after getting his ass handed to him on bad decision after bad decision, continues with this buttfuckery. 4th -1. First quarter up 7-0, he elects to smash instead of points, shits on Mo. You guys call him Turtle, but I think he is more of an armadillo. This fucker jumps when he is supposed to duck and doesn’t know the difference until he is buzzard food.
  5. Think I was there; She also used a dart gun and a mighty queef to pop balloons around the crowd, no martini glass.. Think she went by Pornthip Von Dita
  6. Looks good in a tux. But i’ll Take Ocean’s Eleven if you are going down that road.
  7. I named my penis after George Clooney, true story.
  8. He was living in my building earlier this year, have not seen him in a while so it is possible.
  9. You need to find a lower quality of hooker, usually comes with a higher quality of blow
  10. So do you catch a wild caught shrimp w a shrimp boat and a net, or you need hookers, roll and scotch?
  11. Meyer's 2014 offense that beat Bama was basically pro-style. The few zone-read and QB runs were basically trick plays. Gun ZoneOne of the more popular alignments in the Meyer offense is the Gators’ gun zone option, a modern day and very effective triple option. Most of the time this look features three or four wide receivers with a running back next to the quarterback and usually their best receiver parked in the slot. The slot receiver goes in motion but ends up most of the time in the backfield as the second RB to the right of the quarterback.“You have to be prepared to treat the quarterback as one of the components of the offense as far as defending the run as well as the play action stuff,” said the defensive coordinator from a perennial Top 20 program. “What it looks like they’re trying to do to us is trying to create a one back alignment, but by shifting or motion they get back to a way in which they can make it a two-back offense.”What the gun-zone option tries to accomplish is to see how the backside defensive end and the outside linebacker adjust to the shift. The quarterback will base his decisions on what these two players do. For example, he snaps the ball and prepares to hand it off to the running back with one eye on the defensive end. If the DE chases the running back down the line of scrimmage, the QB keeps the ball and turns his attention to the OLB with the slot receiver now his option. If the LB commits to the QB, he pitches, if not, he keeps it. “You have to be sound against the option and be solid against the dive back and the quarterback and you have to take care of the pitch,” the defensive coordinator said. “What they try to do is read the box and see how many you have to defend the run and what you are going to commit to the passing game. They are trying to locate your defenders and call the play based on your alignment.“It’s about creating alignments and creating space and trying to take advantage of what the defense is showing.” When he won the SEC and beat Alabama in the SEC Championship, and then beat tOSU in the championship it was the spread for more than 50% of the plays. Not sure which Pro team runs the gun zone?
  12. U r right on the record, but the spread, that Meyer brought to the SEC has been used to beat Bama, to the point that Bama has morphed. I have deep filial ties to Alabama.My mother is a Bama alumn, both of my sisters were born in Tuscaloosa, because my grandmother was a obstetrician there. She received Christmas Cards from the Bryants as she delivered some of their grandchildren. I have watched more of my share Bama games. Not sure if Utah was running elements of Meyer’s spread when they stomped Bama in the Fiesta Bowl in 2009?
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