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Alien Octopus

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Alien Octopus

  1. Did SMU buy the University of Dallas?
  2. Like being the tallest pygmy, wait, he is the tallest pygmy!
  3. Ewok Doubles Sack Total This turd is a fantasy football dream, just play any defense he faces and profit....
  4. I understand you skip the cream and go straight to the poppers, you buttery devil
  5. A man drinks shots of espresso he does not brag about drip. I’ll put my coffee game up against any of you, especially mulletvagina
  6. So you like shit coffee, congrats
  7. Oklahoma State @ Texas - 7PM on ABC: Party Mirkin V MENSA
  8. This discussion really belongs in another forum as the politically correct horseshit surrounding his hiring and subsequent firing cannot be broached here.
  9. Did they touch them somewhere? The article does not really explain hw they were savaged?
  10. What is with the staches with the wash st dudes
  11. I say pay them as much as you want, so as long as the event is neutral to your school budget. Any money paid out should be no more than the money generated. No more bonds, or finance or nada. That should include everything from Admin to Tweet art. Salary Cap. Violations should be met by relegation to lower Division for five years, and or taxation.
  12. Ya’ll won. Congrats. Not much difference between teams as stats show. Maybe we play you in the Sugar Bowl for the rematch? The phone calls and the AC BS/vaginal flopping not withstanding, I was at the game, was at the LSU alumni tailgate at Stubbs and had no issues w LSU fans. Some little twat had some comment about how ya’ll were going to kill Ehlinger but he was young enough for me to laugh at him. Anyway, your win won’t mean shit if you can’t get Saban. I have a feeling that line will have a lot more success nailing Burroghs.
  13. Wow, I would have thought that the Buckeyes would be higher. Thanks for the chart
  14. They can take the win , just like every SEC team who schedules dogshit teams to fluff up their record, because they have Battered Bama Syndrome. And to clarify, what I mean by battered is that Saban batters his nuts they go so deep in em.
  15. I noticed that defense you played against the ag-tards, it was like they called up Saban and asked how deep they could shove it down your throat and for how long. That was some salty defense, boy you should be proud.
  16. Must take after his Momma. Is having the best offense in the SEC like being the tallest Pygmy?
  17. Of late we smashed the over-hyped UGAs and some other hotbed of intellect from the Swamp. If you are basing your opinion on what we have done of late, you should be shitting yourself.
  18. We had the top Defense in the Big XII your argument holds no water.
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