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Everything posted by thrillhammer

  1. it felt special once. i'm sure it is to some people still. the courthouse is cool, the marfa lights are still a mystery a hundred years running, the paesano is worthy, but all those were there when the town was founded. nothing new has improved the place. maybe planet marfa, but thats all that comes to mind. the st george is out of place. would fit in better in downtown austin or nyc.
  2. great drive from balmorhea to ft davis. i agree with your take on marfa. last time i was there did not get a warm feeling. seems like its lost its way.
  3. that was the same tour he played another date in austin, i believe at the backyard, but it could have been where the armadillo christmas bazaar used to be. i was there, though ive killed a few brain cells since.
  4. keep up the good work. may have to plan a trip there soon.
  5. thrillhammer


    roaring fork burger is badass
  6. i watched in when it originally aired on ngc. fantastic show.
  7. you are making spain look more attractive than france, and i didnt think that was possible.
  8. thrillhammer


    you dont want to be up high in a kayak. fishing/casting is fairly easy from the sitting position - takes about 20 minutes to adapt and then it becomes second nature. there are many outfitters that rent them on the coast. i only use mine in saltwater, which is why i dont use it much.
  9. thrillhammer


    i got a wilderness system tarpon 140 i don't use often enough, and i might be willing to parts with it. its around an $800 kayak though. not sure i really want to part with it, but have been considering it. i go to the coast about once a year and i could probably just rent one that often and safe the pain of storing and loading it.
  10. thrillhammer


    the crown burger is excellent, on par with dirty's. when i was in college the hole in the wall had an excellent burger. sitting in the back room with the pool tables and a cold beer was a nice afternoon. that burger never gets mentioned in any best of list. i remember it being larger than crown or dirty's, closer to those at camino el camino.
  11. saw women talking over the weekend. fantastic movie. very impressed with the script and the directing. will be watching all of sarah polley's movies from now on.
  12. i can see both he and carolyn getting some sympathy votes, because they're weak unconventional players, neither very competitive in challenges. carolyn at least orchestrated a big move. jam did nothing to orchestrate any votes. the only thing he ever did was lobby for votes for anyone that put his name down. he stayed in the background the entire time, in a sense using the entire tribe as a shield.
  13. would not have given it to jam had i been on the jury. he played a cowardly, hiding behind a shield game. both heidi and carolyn were stronger players, and played a more respectable game.
  14. yep, thats two idols flushed in a row. i dont think they should allow idols after we're down to 5 players. yam is running the show. he is going to win it, just like danny was, if they dont stop him from winning it. heidi is has the least social game but is constantly scheming. she hasnt led or orchestrated a vote yet. lauren, heidi, and carolyn are going to have to team up to get yam or carson out.
  15. and oddly enough, of the players left heidi is the most athletic. maybe lauren, but i'd put my money on heidi.
  16. heidi and yam seem to be the stealthiest, most strategic players left. i'm convinced that jamie is just a loony as carolyn. they are both dingbats and crazy as a loon. though carolyn made a big move, i see zero chance she makes it through.
  17. wouldnt carson have gone home if she hadnt?
  18. so you did buy the comforter?
  19. skinner scratched so i'm down to confidence game and disarm. verifying and mage are also attractive as longshots.
  20. the deaths have cast kind of an ominous tone over all the races that day. i dont blame them for erring on the side of caution.
  21. was looking for a derby thread. wasnt sure if it would be here or gambling. who you got? my longshot bet is on disarm. my pick to win right now would be between tapit twice and kingsborn. ive always liked desormeaux so would love to see confidence game win, and his brother was the jockey on curlin (who is the sire of skinner), so skinner i'm also pulling for.
  22. watched the first episode last night. pretty entertaining and will stick with it. not sure why every writer/producer/director insists on making this story a comedy. just like in gaslit, the players are made to look like buffoons. i mean, they were to begin with, but they just overplay it.
  23. i fly into canada often. would never consider it without a passport. everything changed in 2001. covid changed canada-us relations/border crossings but not in regards to passports.
  24. I had lunch with mcwilliams every tuesday. anybody could have, but i happened to work in the student union and wasn't all that keen on studying. there was practically nobody there - maybe 20 people max. and it was open to the press, public, anybody that wanted to come. times have changed.
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