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Everything posted by demos

  1. Who the fuck puts a pie in a rectangular pan?
  2. My kid (7) loves jurassic park (even the new ones). At the start of each school year when they do those back to school pictures where they ask what you want to be he says ‘paleontologist’ which he is convinced involves training dinosaurs.
  3. ^ fucking quick draw mcgraw there
  4. demos

    Whatcha reading?

    A little quarantine reading
  5. Every single one of these anti-vaping commercials but especially the one where that fucking bitch wastes an entire jug of orange juice.
  6. Damn shame what they did to that steak.
  7. Oh she definitely did that shit
  8. Altered Carbon anime movie on Netflix. Meh.
  9. We probably need a real plague. The rona isn’t going to kill off nearly enough of these idiots.
  10. demos

    Whatcha reading?

    This one is on my list to get to this year but my reading habits have been shit so far, did just finish The Israel Lobby though.
  11. ^ who the hell wants to rewatch season 2?
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