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Everything posted by Lat22

  1. I wish Colt would have told the GM that the “Red River games” were much bigger than an NFL game in November.
  2. Lat22


    Yep. I’m good for three or four T posts a day.
  3. Lat22


    Who do you think watches this show?
  4. I can’t imagine that they’d have paying riders during an airshow, but I’ve already been wrong in this thread once.
  5. Lat22

    Who is next?

    Sark is the perfect fit for the University of Texas at Austin.
  6. That B17 was based in Galveston until recently. Saw it countless times while I was out fishing, etc. Just horrible.
  7. Typing was the most useful class I took in high school.
  8. The Walmart Black Friday commercial is one of the best commercials I’ve ever seen. Better than most Super Bowl commercials.
  9. Yep. Who do they think they’re playing? Us?
  10. Watch the end of it when they’re both on the ground.
  11. TCU going for another QB knockout. Dirty fucks.
  12. They do. So does Columbus, OH, New York, Boston, etc. Basically, yankees. They can all fuck off and die.
  13. Maybe Dusty will start treating these games like it’s not the middle of June?
  14. This is some love affair these guys have with Harper. Jesus. Enough.
  15. Do we think Smoltz is going to talk about how important it is for Houston to answer in this at bat?
  16. He’s tipping his pitches. No doubt about it.
  17. Fake an injury. Get him the fuck out.
  18. I haven’t watched NASCAR for several years but HOLY SHIT that was amazing!
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