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Biff Tannen

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Biff Tannen

  1. Not sure why anyone would click on those videos. I don't need to see anymore to know they are broken. It's just rage inducing.
  2. This was one of the more bizarre non-plays I've ever seen. Did his brain just break?
  3. This is going to go extremely well.
  4. At what point do we seriously start considering these people traitors as opposed to unwitting morons? I mean, they are clearly morons, but people like Tucker? He may be the biggest traitor there is aside from dotard and Flynn.
  5. Yeah my friend in college showed me that video. I really wish I hadn’t seen it. I was also taking a suicidology course at the time, so my head was already in a weird place. No one should watch that.
  6. I think it did get used. It’s insane all the bullshit that he has against him, yet 70 million people still vote for him. Half this country is completely broken.
  7. Now if only some of them would start offing themselves...
  8. YEP. They know he's awful and they know they support it, but this is always their excuse. LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!
  9. “irregardless” is now apparently an acceptable word in the English language because so many people started using it that we all just gave in to these cretins that refuse to believe in grammar or decency or logic or the rule of law.
  10. Well, since baseball seems like it may be a complete loss this year, I'm wading over into this mess way earlier than normal. Anything good happening in the offseason?
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