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Biff Tannen

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Biff Tannen

  1. Ultimately, the answer is yes, some breeds especially are just barkers. It can't be trained out of them, most of the time.
  2. This thought crossed my mind, but I really want to send him constant facts about Sedona, AZ because that's what he was being an ass about and I want him to know it was me without proof. But yes, cat facts may be the ultimate solution.
  3. We've gone over this in this thread somewhere, but Austin is much higher. Somewhere around 80%. It all depends on how much each municipality gives a shit and what relationships they have with the companies that end up buying the material to recycle it.
  4. This happened to me driving on 35 back from Dallas at about 5am one time. If there had been a brick wall in front of me 25 yards away I wouldn’t have known. Semis were just blazing through it at 75mph. I was white-knuckling the steering wheel at like 55 just praying to not get rear ended.
  5. All of the following is hypothetical: Let’s say someone I know wanted to get daily updates, maybe even hourly or more updates, delivered to their inbox, text messages, etc about a certain tourist destination in Arizona. Let’s say this person was an ass at work and now their inbox needs to be a never ending avalanche of spam about that place. How would one go about setting that up? Ideally with the least amount of work and in a very untraceable way? Again, hypothetically.
  6. I gave up on this years ago. It is truly baffling.
  7. No timed entry if you go in early. I think before 9am? Early is better than late if you are hiking. Storms roll in at elevation in the afternoon and with them comes lightning.
  8. Oh, thunderstorm at 9:15. That's what it is. Batten down the hatches!
  9. App says everything going north, but also severe thunderstorm at 10pm. Which is it?
  10. I don’t understand the panic. There are so many unknown nothing roads in the hill country, I don’t see how it would be difficult to just pick one and find a roundabout way to get there.
  11. I hate Reddit, but this brought the lulz.
  12. Regardless of the context, it's a bold move for him to bring up RICO in light of what his orange master is facing.
  13. He died. Larry David will remember her name and tell her all about what he did out there on the high seas.
  14. So he wanted to offer you his wife as some form of medieval sexual payola?
  15. That can’t be real. And maybe the surly law dogs can explain to me, but how would a judge even have the ability to “allow” this? Unless it were his own witnesses for the defense?
  16. It's pure madness. Even if you told him to go look it up, he wouldn't. They. Don't. Want. The. Truth. They just want something to be mad at.
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