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Biff Tannen

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Biff Tannen

  1. .8 inches since midnight at the LCRA gauge down the street. I'll take it.
  2. That's what I don't get. Rural poors and generally disaffected people, ok, maybe, but this guy has more money than he knows what to do with. What grievances could he possibly have?
  3. Fuck yeah these have been awesome lately. Like four grapes in one. Mutant grapes.
  4. I’m all for this. Sure, some DeSantis supporters get in line, but not all. Every crack in the coalition helps democracy.
  5. The first ever description of a dinosaur fossil had been by Robert Plot, first director of the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford in his Natural History of Oxford-shire of 1677. It was the distal end of a femur and had been found in the village of Cornwell in Oxfordshire. Plot gave an excellent drawing of the bone, but identified it as the thigh bone of a human giant. (Every paleontology student also knows that in 1772, the naturalist Richard Brookes turned Plot's figure upside down and, noting a startling resemblance to male genitalia, gave it its first formal name: Scrotum humanum. Probably because of this notoriety, the original specimen has long since disappeared. @Pods
  6. Man he’s like our own little Fox News bot. Just rolling out the hits. Many of which I’d forgotten about.
  7. While y'all are arguing about past presidents, this seems slightly more important.
  8. Holy shit this fucking guy. Fuck you election denier. Fuck you. You are the problem. You are why this country is where it is. Fuck you fascist enabler.
  9. I stayed home tonight and put a cabinet together with the wife. Seems that was the correct choice.
  10. Keep those muscles loosey-goosey
  11. Yep and we've been lied to for almost 40 years about the recycleability (a word like that) of plastic. Just straight lies from corporations. They should be sued into oblivion.
  12. And again, why does it have to be someone so obviously stupid? I would at least like it to be some criminal genius mastermind that is going to end our republic. But nope, just Chuck Testa.
  13. One week heads up. When: Season 21 premieres March 20 at 8 p.m. on Bravo, available the next day on Peacock. Added value: This season's episodes will be supersized at 75 minutes. There are two digital companion series, too: "The Dish With Kish" and "Top Chef: Last Chance Kitchen" will air on bravotv.com.
  14. This is a parking lot! People are supposed to be able to get their cars! Ideally.
  15. I think we may see this come to fruition, at least an attempt, regardless of who wins the election. Bang up job America.
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