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Storm the Field

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Everything posted by Storm the Field

  1. 89-49. 40 over .500 for the first time this season. Not a great game by any means, but LMJ looked great and the offense (i. e. Chas) did just enough.
  2. M's lost today. 14 is correct. I've been to a lot of Astros games in my life, but that was definitely my first ever walk-off wild pitch. The crowd didn't even really react. It was a weird, sort of "hey I think we just won" situation. Anyways, I know the Rangers already fired their skipper. Has any team ever fired their interim manager? Because, if it were to happen, tonight would be the case. Extra innings, 2 outs, runners on 1st and 2nd, you IBB a guy who has weakly grounded into the shift 3 times to face the reigning AL player of the month with bases loaded, setting up a scenario where you lose if anything goes wrong. Pitcher doesn't have to give up a hit. A walk, a balk, an error...just literally anything that doesn't result in an out ends the game.
  3. It ain't quite Fall, but I can live with a bunch of 90/72 sunny days with lower humidity. We haven't had a forecast this decent since late Spring. https://weather.com/weather/tenday/l/a319796a4173829988d68c4e3a5f90c14de5723d3432d1532b4f76f2ccb04fc8
  4. Colgate and Centennial merger is official. New company is called, simply, Permian Resources.
  5. 87-48. On pace for 104-58. Can have a slight losing record from here on out and still win 100. M's finally dropped a game, so we lowered the magic number by 2 down to 16.
  6. Looking like some pretty tolerable days on tap for Houston area this coming weekend through middle of next week if the current forecast holds. Decent amount of sunshine and less humidity than usual.
  7. Markets got they teeth kicked in this week. All the bears that have been asking for the Fed to bring the pain got their wishes granted.
  8. Cherry Block is having their soft opening this weekend. Full opening Tuesday. By the end of the year there should actually be multiple dining options at Stomping Grounds. Will have to take advantage of some outdoor seating when the weather cools down.
  9. Long range forecast is just getting lazy now. For every 88/75 day with 58% rain chance that falls off the front, they just tack one back on to the end.
  10. Highly likely your Dad's tract was going to get pooled regardless, unless you owned enough acreage to merit drilling a lease well, which seems unlikely based on your post. And if the well drilled on an adjacent tract barely produced enough to maintain the lease, odds are it wouldn't have done much better if they moved the wellbore a few hundred feet over on your side of the lease line. The "upside" of not signing a lease extension in that scenario would be they drill the well anyway and carry your unleased interest through payout, which seems likely to have taken forever, if at all, at that rate of production In other words, at least he got a lease extension bonus vs. jack fucking shit.
  11. I mean, if it's simply an NPRI issue and the tract isn't in the wellbore path, then yeah, not really a big deal and the ask for a ratification is essentially a courtesy. If he's a non-ratified NPRI on a drillsite tract, then we're talking 'bout a whole different ballgame.
  12. Based on what I can gather from this reply, and without the benefit of seeing any of the materials, it sounds to me like you own an interest in the adjacent tract and the company you're dealing with wants to revive an old lease with more favorable terms rather than sign you to a new lease and have to pay lease bonus and give you a higher royalty than the existing lease. Also, if you do own an interest in this other tract and haven't been paid royalties, you might have some funds held up in suspense. Anyways, get a hold of an attorney to at least get a consultation to see if it's worth it. Let's say for fun that there is actually $20K at stake. It's probably worth the $1500 or so it would cost for an attorney to take care of it. If it's $2K at stake, then we'll to you to sign it and cash the check. Send me a private message if you want and I can point you in the right direction.
  13. Let me guess. A landman contacted you to ask you to ratify an oil and gas lease "so you can get paid" and they're offering some small $ figure to sign it. If you ask why he needs a ratification, he'll probably hem and haw and act like they don't REALLY need to and it's just a formality, yada yada yada. Sound about right? If he's asking for a ratification, most likely he's doing curative work for a title opinion that has identified an issue with a lease. Either they're concerned it (i) wasn't executed by all of the necessary parties, or (ii) may have expired due to a lapse in production or some other issue. As a basic example, I often see leases that are executed by someone that only owns a life estate mineral interest. A lease like that needs to be ratified by the remaindermen (i.e. people who the interest passes to upon the death of the life tenant). Also possible that you own a non-participating royalty interest in a drillsite tract, which is a whole 'nother issue. You may have more leverage than you think. Don't sign anything without due diligence. If you have any buddies that do land work or know any O&G attorneys, run it by them first and see what they think.
  14. The extreme heat and complete drought over June and July were the obvious worst parts of Summer 2022, but let's not forget also how damn early the hot weather arrived. I didn't start the 2021 thread until 6/7. This year's thread started on 5/3. It got up to the mid-90's on the first weekend of May. That's a good 10 degrees hotter than it should be at that point. We got like 6 weeks of a decent Spring this year before it just went full blown Summer.
  15. I agree that when faced with two unappealing options, it's an easy choice of warm and overcast/rainy vs. sunny and blazing hot without end. It's "you wanna hop in the steam room set on low or get stuck in the malfunctioning sauna?" I'm just ready as hell for that first "nice" day in late September/early October after a cool front rolls through with clear skies and low humidity and it tops out at 85 in the afternoon, before dropping to the high 60's after sunset. That to me is always one of the best damn days of the entire year.
  16. Well boys, we made it through the Dog Days of Summer. 3 weeks until "Fall" officially starts, though I wouldn't get my hopes up for many "pleasant" days in the near future, unless you're in the far Western or Northern portions of the state. For once, I'm jealous of Lubbock. For Austin/SA/DFW/Houston, the first 2 weeks of September appear to be a continuation of the final 2 weeks of August. High 80's/Low 90's with lots of clouds and decent rain chances. No sunny days to speak of in the 15-day. The GFS weather models are acting like they see a mild cool front making its way to Texas around 9/12, but none of the forecasts are putting any stock in it, nor should they this far out. I imagine when next week's models run, that front will have gone missing.
  17. Expected rainfall Friday-Monday for the coast.
  18. It's been a long time since I've written a brief, but typically, the whole point of what you're trying to establish is (i) this is what I want the court to do, because (II) this is what the statutes require/previous courts have held. Trump's reply brief is basically what you'd expect from an incarcerated pro se defendant that spent his time locked up reading law school textbooks. It "cites" precedent merely by referencing cases in italics without any explanation of how the case is relevant or applies to the situation at hand. And the cases "cited" are mostly concerned with suppression of evidence obtained in violation of the 4th amendment, which is not the matter before the court. It attempts to dispense with multiple pages of the DOJ's comprehensive brief via perfunctory footnotes that boil down to "as we'll establish eventually, those guys are wrong!" More than anything, it's entirely unclear what this was intended to accomplish. They're basically treating this motion to appoint a special master as an overarching motion to dismiss/motion to suppress in a future criminal trial. They seem to be operating under the belief that a special master will somehow be able comprehensively rule that DOJ obtained the warrant under false pretenses, the warrant was facially invalid, Trump is immune from prosecution under PRA, Trump had authority to declassify, and DOJ are just a bunch of Democrat meanies out to get him....etc. It's a grab bag of nonsense.
  19. Back on pace with 2019. 6 games ahead of last year. Just need to win 16 of final 31 to secure a 100-win season.
  20. Damn good job by the BP today. 4 IP, 2 H, 0 BB, 4 K. 84-47.
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