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Storm the Field

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Everything posted by Storm the Field

  1. Freaking did it again. Slappy Alvarez hitting RBI doubles off the LF wall, SMDH.
  2. Pfff, Yordan couldn't even get that one over the fence.
  3. Welp, Blastfurance isn't ready to give up the ghost yet and looks to be going out with a blaze. This coming week is going to feel like we're back in early August. TUE-SAT will all see highs above 95. In what I can only imagine is some sort of sick meteorological joke, Thursday, which is the first official day of Autumn, will be the hottest day in over a month, dating back to August 17th. Forecast calling for a high of 98 in Houston, 100 in Austin, both would be just 2 degrees shy of the existing records. Should transition back into more seasonal weather (highs around 90, lows around 70) for the final week of September. Looks like we'll be well into October before we'll see any type of legit cool front.
  4. Ohtani did us a solid last night. Threw 7 scoreless and provided all the offense in a 2-1 win over Seattle. Magic number is down to 3. Let's take it down to 2 this afternoon.
  5. 95-50. Magic number 5, could be down to 4 depending on M's/Halos game.
  6. My kingdom for overpasses on Shepherd and Durham over the train tracks just north of Washington.
  7. Interesting, Yordan directly contradicted Dusty after the game. Said he's not sore and was under the impression this was just a regular day off and he plans to play tomomrrow. Dusty specifically said pre-game that Yordan was sore and being held out as a precaution,
  8. That ball was 1' away from making it 3-2 Tigers.
  9. Final strong push for the blastfurnace next week? Seeing some temps in the mid-90's in Houston, high-90's in CenTex next Wednesday-Friday. That's a good 6-8 degrees over the average high temp for this time of year. Looks likely we'll continue to see highs in the low 90's through the end of the month. "Summer" officially ends a week from tomorrow, but it sure won't feel like Fall yet.
  10. Hands are sore again. He's gonna be getting days off during these final mop-up weeks.
  11. While you were sleeping, Seattle lost. Magic number to win the West is now down to 8. Once again looks like we'll clinch on the road, either in Tampa or Baltimore next week, though not impossible we could wrap things up by the end of the weekend at home.
  12. I'm the last person on earth to defend the Yankees, but what's the evidence he's juicing? He's always been a power hitter. He mashed 52 HR as a rookie, 5 years ago. The freaking guy is 6'7, 280. Quite possibly the largest MLB position player ever.
  13. 10 weeks and 200 AB since he last went yard.
  14. Brown settled in nicely the last few innings.
  15. Big shocker, from the actual bill. It's a ceiling to further limit abortions in liberal states.
  16. The infuriating shit will be the "reasonable" GOP pundits who will point to this and say "see, this would just put us on par with the rest of the developed world. We're not proposing anything draconian here." If that's the case, then GOP should propose a bill that bans abortion (with exceptions), nationwide after 15 weeks, but also allows abortion nationwide up to that point. We all fucking know they ain't gonna do that. It's such a classic bait and switch. GOP: "Lying Democrats say we want ban all abortions. But, look we're reasonable, we'll settle on 15 weeks and provide exceptions for rape, incest and medical emergencies. " A not stupid person: "Oh, so does that mean that anywhere in the US, a person could obtain an abortion prior to 15 weeks?" GOP: "Of course not, in the 20 or so states with GOP super-majorities, it will be totally banned. This is just meant to make it harder in blue states."
  17. Ammo prices are still pretty high, but seems like the shortages have pretty much resolved. Walked around an Academy the other day and they had everything you could want in stock. My Dad and brother both hunt with .243 and couldn't find that shit anywhere last year without ponying up $60 or more. Academy had at least 5-6 boxes of 5 different brands when I was there, at a more normal price of $29.99 or thereabouts.
  18. A fairly weak front ended up making its way down to Texas. Not quite far south enough to really bring down the low temps in Houston much, but we may possibly dip into the high 60's for a few hours tomorrow night/early Wednesday morning and the humidity will be quite low through Thursday night. Unfortunately, looks like muggier, rainier weather returns just in time for the weekend. Folks in the northern burbs and pretty much everyone in East Texas will have some really stellar mornings and evenings in the low 60's this week. Central and South Texas appear to be the only parts of the state expected to continue seeing high temps of 95 or higher, at least for another 10 days or so. Even then, it will be somewhat offset by lower lows. Blastfurnace is running out of gas.
  19. I guess Garcia gets 1 more inning. Only at 79 pitches, but he hasn't looked good at all. Bullpen gonna have to give us 4 good innings and I wouldn't mind another 3-4 runs.
  20. Man, Dubon snuck that ball into the last possible square inch of the Crawford Boxes. LOL, only place on earth that's a major-league HR. I'll take it.
  21. Meanwhile, Astros offense being as stereotypical as possible. First 2 innings: Altuve reaches first, easily thrown at out 2B after realizing way too late that ball got away from 1B. Pena strikes out, missing a slider in the dirt by at least a foot. Alvarez 4 pitch walk. Bregman pops up weakly to 1B on a 3-0 count. Inning over. Tucker 2B off the wall Gurriel weak fielder's choice, Tucker to 3B. Mancini, only needing to put a ball in play, swings at a ball near his ankle for strike 2, watches a hanging off-speed over the plate for strike 3. Vasquez grounder to 3B. Inning over.
  22. Ohtani golfed that HR one-handed. Ball was barely inside the bottom of the zone and he reached down and chipped it over the RF wall. Amazing.
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