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Storm the Field

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Everything posted by Storm the Field

  1. 11 hits, 7 BB, 12 LOB. This game should not be close by any means.
  2. Oh great, Will Smith tasked with protecting a 2 run lead in the 8th.
  3. Dugout getting chippy. Ump just yelled in that direction after ringing up Yuli. Typical umpshow bullshit.
  4. Maton with a nice clean 1-2-3 inning. Nice to see for a change.
  5. When you've lost Andy McCarthy.... Story is paywalled, but here's the upshot:
  6. Funny to see some of Trump's defenders continuing to climb out on limbs that he's already sawed off. Some of the lower-level sycophants that haven't been brought up to speed on the latest excuses were still peddling the "who knows if those documents were even there before the FBI barged in" angle this morning.
  7. Today was supposed to be the one day it didn't rain in Houston. Been pouring sideways and thundering every 5 seconds outside my office window for 20 minutes now.
  8. 83-47. Back to our high-water mark of 36 over .500. On pace for a 103-59 finish. Guys, I'm starting to think we might make the playoffs!
  9. Still more of the same. Weight has pretty much plateaued right around 200, but I continue to improve the fat to muscle ratio. Had my first real setback last week, missing a good 5 days of lifting due to a nasty cold. Fortunately got back on the wagon yesterday. In the past, I've been bad about getting into a routine for 2 or 3 months, but then missing a week or two out hurt/sick/vacation and next thing I know it's been 2 months since I've done anything. Key thing for me coming up will be not letting it all go to shit this Fall and Holiday Season. The last 5 years or so, I've let myself be a complete gutton starting usually around Astros playoffs time all the way through New Years. Just can't allow that to happen again.
  10. I don't think I've ever seen such a consistent 15-day forecast. https://weather.com/weather/tenday/l/15e42cf0d1698d199d5a55b9570d570c3936042c702535298c1c8545e2a9f477 Within 2 or 3 degrees of 88/75, 85% humidity and 58% chance of scattered showers every day from here to eternity.
  11. HBO's annual "Coming Soon on HBO" trailer closed with about 20 seconds of TLOU footage.
  12. Somewhat off-topic, more "Shit Kroger carries, that I wish HEB did also." These are easily the best store-bought bagels I've ever come across, and only $3.49 for 4.
  13. Phew. Always gotta be some 9th inning drama, huh? Whatevs, glad to salvage a W after flailing for 24 straight innings.
  14. Averaging roughly 3 hits and 1/3 of a run in this weekend's games.
  15. Noticed the rig count has plateaued over the past 2 months. Been stuck between 750 and 765 dating back to late June. Count just goes up or down 3 or 4 within that range each week. Just below the average of roughly 790 that we were seeing right before Covid (12/19-3/20)
  16. Not quite hunting, but I'm excited to head out to a deer lease for the first time in probably 5 years tomorrow. My brother got on a lease with some buddies up in Tyler Co. last year and I've been wanting to go check it out and see if it's something I want to try and get on the waiting list for. We're gonna head up there to check stands and feeders, drink beer, take some target practice and just generally dick around. It's East Texas, so not exactly overrun with quality bucks, but there have been some decent 8 pointers taken, and it's an easy drive and cheap-ish as far as leases go. Hell, just having a place only 2.5 hours away from town to spend some Fall weekends at might be worth it.
  17. (NERD ALERT): Now can we get a Kickstarter for someone to make a spiritual successor to Shining Force 1 and 2? And I don't mean some modern 3D open world action RPG. I want a simple 2D, turn-based, tactical RPG with epic battles fought on a grid.
  18. Cool. The original Wild Arms was one of my favorite games on PS1. Have replayed it a few times on emulators over the years. Really nice to be able to turn the framerate up and fast forward through some of the repetitive battles.
  19. That's not even the bad part of that interview. Dude goes on a minutes-long rant about how the warrant was inherently unlawful because a President has unilateral authority to declassify and retain any information for any reason whatsoever, has sole authority to determine whether a document constitutes his personal property vs. a presidential record, and cannot, as a matter of law, commit espionage or violate the Presidential Records Act.
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