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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. Well, what about all the intelligent people that have been following best practices? Won't these Gohmert fanbois increase the risk to them when they have to make a grocery run? Or god forbid have a medical emergency that requires a visit to the hospital that is now overrun with CV19 cases? Asking for a friend.
  2. That was my first thought as well (what this could mean for our future) - the Nac hospital system serves quite a few smaller communities in the area. If CV19 really gets loose around here the system will be overwhelmed and it's not going to be pretty.
  3. Sweet, my county - Nacogdoches, gets a F with an 8% reduction in travel. Not too much of a surprise from the people that keep reelecting a human dumpster fire as our US Rep.
  4. Sorry, I should have been more specific, I’ve been watching the new daily deaths in the US. This has been steadily increasing towards 1,000/day before taking a big step down yesterday.
  5. Daily deaths cut in half today according to worldometers, down to 264. I would love to be excited about that, but is it a glitch or do they update again before the end of the day?
  6. I've been playing quite a bit of Warzone and really enjoy it. I prefer playing the Plunder mode which is not quite as intense, but the end game is still a lot of fun.
  7. Just read that my hood of Nacogdoches has its first confirmed case. The press release that the county sent out was actually very well done and gives the impression there is a plan in place - including opening up drive through testing starting today.
  8. At what point does XOM become a buy? Currently at ~$32.50/share - you have to go all the way back to 2002 to find these levels.
  9. My best friend's sister and brother in law in Dallas have it. Their doctor wouldn't/couldn't give them a test, but diagnosed them and sent them home - I think this was ~10 days ago. Brother in law is almost back to normal but his sister still has a fever and is miserable. Her dumbass went by their parent's house days after being diagnosed because she didn't have symptoms. He said that was 5 or 6 days ago and the parents aren't showing any signs of having it yet, but that was a completely unnecessary risk. My parents in their late 60s are finally realizing this thing is not a hoax. I got a text from my mom yesterday that she thought "shit was about to get real." No joke, I wonder what changed yesterday to make her reevaluate? Last week I was urging/cussing at them trying to get them to avoid going out as much as possible and they were polite about it, but pretty much waived me off. My dad is 69, still hits the lung darts, has COPD, has 40% blockage in one of his arteries and is 30+ lbs overweight. He played golf yesterday. They live in a tiny town and the golf course is probably not the worst place to be, but burning heaters and hanging out with his old fart buddies is probably not the best idea right now.
  10. This was my first thought as well. Those fatties are standing way too close together. F all of that.
  11. We've always been at war with Eastasia! This ignorant assbag is going to get more people killed and then blame it on the FT reading tan suit wearer.
  12. Can the resident Trumpkins please tell us more about all the gaffes Biden will make and how that will kill his campaign?
  13. What's the threshold on the number of US deaths as a result of this outbreak that would cause you adjust your outlook that this is just like Ebloa? 25? 100? 1,000? 10,000? I'm curious where folks like you, Zork and the rest of the Ministers of Information might draw the line here.
  14. This makes no sense. Let's gorge on more of our seed corn even though we've already got the sugars and the high blood.
  15. I'm not worried for me or my immediate family, but I am somewhat concerned about my parents and in-laws. My pops is overweight and still hits the lung darts, he also works in sales and travels quite a bit, so I'm most concerned about him catching it. I'm also concerned about the potential for our hospitals being swamped and the 15-20% of people that catch it and need extensive time in the hospital. I think that is the worst case scenario for this whole thing. My concern is intensified by our clown car of an administration trying to manage the response. And maybe it's just because of my heightened awareness of it, but I agree with Tantric upthread - it sure seems like everyone in the general public is hacking and sniffling already.
  16. Good f'n Lord. Good for Dr. Fauci for standing his ground - Dotard isn't used to that and with the arms crossed and whatnot, you can tell he doesn't like it. I'm pretty sure my 10 year old could grasp some of these concepts more easily than our president. And he'd have the added benefit of not believing in his heart of hearts that he's the smartest person in the room.
  17. New lake record Largemouth on my home waters last weekend - 15.34 lbs. The 2nd ShareLunker caught on the lake already this year. https://kicks105.com/mammoth-largemouth-sets-new-bass-record-at-lake-nacogdoches/
  18. Is this your response to the pandemic Donnie? Is this your response to the pandemic Donnie? Is this your response to the pandemic Donnie? Is this yours Donnie? Is this your response to the pandemic Donnie? Look Donnie, have you ever heard of Vietnam? You're entering a world of pain, son. We know this is your response. You're killing your country Donnie!
  19. I tell you what, this response is rolling out like a Swiss f'n watch so far, amirite!?
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