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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. Wasn’t Durham a US attorney at the time of his appointment as well? Doesn’t seem all that irregular.
  2. The Royal We


    Agreed on 4WD being a must have. I never go mudding or really in any terrain that needs 4WD, but use it all the time when pulling out a stump or pulling a heavy trailer or stuff like that.
  3. I'm glad he slipped in that thang has a hemi in it. amirite? @Mother mopar
  4. I remember doing that same stretch of road when I was in high school - in a '91 4Runner with a severely under powered 3.0 V6. Getting stuck behind a semi and needing a long stretch of open road to get up the speed to pass was absolute misery.
  5. This is fucking brutal at this point (has been for a while). Come on man.
  6. e) never log into the STONK account and act like it never happened
  7. WTF? That is a really odd and wide range of emotions on display in a short period of time. Meatball is wound too tight and looks like he could snap at any moment.
  8. What in the blue fuck is this hot garbage? This showed up in my mail today, someone on the next road over has the same house number as me. It’s a real doozy trying to scare up the olds.
  9. Could be, who knows. I read early on that some of the scientists that put their name on the original paper were very reputable and had proverbial skins on the wall already. I don't know why they would risk torching their reputation over this if they knew it was really bunk. They would have to find a new line of work if they could no longer get funding for any future research projects.
  10. Very vague. This guy compared their description of the process to something like an old treasure map scribbled down on a napkin. It seems like it's a miracle they even got this close on their 1st attempt if that is the ranges they were working with.
  11. Yea, this is my thought as well. Sort of comparing apples and potatoes.
  12. This US team started gathering materials for a replication attempt the first night after the paper was published and appear to have been able to generate a tiny fleck of the material in their first attempt. Evidently the original paper is very generic in some of the steps needed to synthesize the LK99; for example, these guys tried 13 different "bake" times in the furnace for one of the steps. A lot of those times generated partially synthesized materials or just straight garbage. But this one little fleck does exhibit the Meissner effect - at least on one end of the material. People a lot smarter than me are encouraged by this...
  13. Whether or not he truly believed he won is completely irrelevant. Trump can and should try that defense, but I think other J6 defendants tried it and it didn't help them out in the least. Maybe this thread from a law professor at NYU and Harvard will help? Lots of good examples with cites to the indictment included in the thread.
  14. That's it? They are making a big kerfluffle out of that!? These same people must be furious that Jared and Ivanka made between $23,791,645 and $120,676,949 in outside income in just their final year WHILE working in the White House! And that's just what they actually disclosed in their forms. https://www.citizensforethics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Jared-C-Kushner-2021-278TERM.pdf https://www.citizensforethics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Ivanka-Trump-2021-278TERM.pdf Oh, what's that? These people couldn't be bothered to give a wet fart fuck about that? Okay. Cool. Hook 'Em!
  15. Jesus, wtf? Get an alarm during the test drive and I'm sprinting the other way. I'm also at least 90 miles from a dealer who could fix something big that goes pear-shaped on me, so I'm a little more allergic to older boats. My Hurricane is a '13, but the outboard has been bulletproof and there really aren't any electronics on it to fuck up. It's nothing fancy, but I bought it for cheap from my MIL and it's been great for our kids so far. I do think they are going to get bored of the tube/ZUP/skis in the next few years though. Thanks for all the info. I've followed your posts on boats for years and you've obviously seen and done a lot of shit with them. Appreciate it.
  16. That 230 did look really clean. You'd be comfortable buying a boat that old if you got a good look at it? Would make me nervous.
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