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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by UncleSonny

  1. It's pretty dumb and pointless to "gotcha" one dumb point she makes when everything that comes out of her mouth is bullshit, but the DSA literally has a Veterans working group. https://dsaveterans.org/
  2. For reference: Bijan: 81.1K IG followers Overshown: 12.6K Whittington: 27.4K Card: 14.8K Jamison: 16.3k Fucking Kai Money has almost 4K
  3. This for sure. I have a friend who accidentally backed into making money on Instagram through a cocktail feed. His account started getting some traction and it was shocking how early (like a couple thousand followers) that companies started reaching out to him with offers to pay him to use their brands and sending him free bottles and glassware. He's built the thing to like 14K followers pretty fast without a ton of effort. Guy already had a great job and now a nice little side source of income that keeps his bar stocked.
  4. Yeah Brian, you are just scratching the surface...this is some basic ass shit compared to what's coming.
  5. What is the connection there exactly? I don't remember the circumstance where he keeps working out with big time NFL receivers that don't have UT connections. Is his dad a trainer/coach these days?
  6. I'm picking up that this thread is not the place to comment on our irrational numerical triggers. Noted, although I've never felt more alone before.
  7. It's very stupid on my part, but sort of chafe at giving recruits #20 or another retired number for these photoshoots. Like in my head I feel like someone needs to tell them they won't be getting that number if they end up here.
  8. This is spot on IMO. Kind of shitty for Byron (especially after the gauntlet they put him through) but there is no reason to put him right back into the game just to be eliminated immediately again. Sara or Sasha could have made a run if they got back in but still probably not won.
  9. First time I can recall that a decommitment was teased with a tweet/announcement time. Plus an edit
  10. Damn, I’m still skeptical about Perkins but if he skips an official visit to come right back to Austin next week that would be a big deal. Good to see some of these reports mentioning PK having an impact in his face to face visits with guys. Not a high level recruiter was pretty much the only knock on him.
  11. Pretty light offer list. Counting the aggy offer only he has 2 P5 total with Oregon being the other. And that offer was made almost a year ago.
  12. Haha, I’m curious what you thought was happening here.
  13. Haha, “complicated” remains a clear euphemism for “a high maintenance pain in the ass”.
  14. You aren’t wrong about the damage football does, but I thought a lot of Earl’s problems stemmed from a congenital spine disorder or something. That football made way worse I’m sure.
  15. Yeah I know...he’s saying he missed Ohio so he went back this weekend.
  16. Feeling homesick for Ohio is bleak. We dodged a bullet.
  17. I appreciate the response, it wasn’t meant to be a gotcha or prying question by any means. You saying you weren’t for or against it in schools and would go whichever way the wind blew was surprising and in your response: I generally agree with this and I have a hard time squaring that with you being ambivalent about providing that perspective to children in schools. There is a line to what a school can and should teach children about, but I think a critical look at American history (concerning race or anything else) falls squarely inbounds. If it’s valuable to your children it must be valuable to all children and not everyone’s parents will have the capacity or the interest in giving them that critical perspective. As for me personally, I do have two daughters. One is 3 years old and the other is 1 month so the way I handle these things is more theoretical based on my own bullshit than real application my wife and I have put into practice. That said my 3yo’s room is filled with children’s books that have a decidedly political slant. I don’t think I’ll ever make a conscious choice to avoid hot-button issues or politics in the house. Mostly the opposite. Hopefully they have an interest and I can push them on things and they’ll push back on my bullshit when advocating for their own beliefs. (This is probably where people with older kids are laughing at how naive I am). Indoctrination isn’t something I have any interest in either. I appreciate the desire to de-emphasize politics and the state at home but in my opinion being comfortable making that decision for your family is privilege. I have two daughters and my wife immigrated here from Iran as a child. I’m not sure if that is a privilege I can afford my family and I don’t think I would want to if I could. That doesn’t have to mean cable news and the national outrage story of the week though. Being involved on a state and municipal level is something we have talked a lot about instilling in the girls. Like you, I’m making this shit up as I go. I’m not at all confident in even small parenting decisions, let alone the large ones. A lot of times parents seem to be reacting to the way that they were raised, and I was raised pretty sheltered and very privileged. So I guess if I’m going to make mistakes it will be erring on the side of making sure my daughters aren’t naive to the world, for better or worse.
  18. And the numbers bear it out. No data for people born in 2021 (for obvious reasons) but among children born on the 60s to poverty, a black child was twice as likely as a white child to also be poor as an adult: https://www.urban.org/urban-wire/two-american-experiences-racial-divide-poverty All of these adults came of age decades after the Civil Rights movement, so if it was “solved” you would think you would see a shift in the numbers by then.
  19. Honest question and sorry if it has been covered. Do you have children and do you teach them or talk to them about CRT aspects in your own household? Without actually calling it "critical race theory" of course. You seem to have generally come around to many of the aspects of CRT as outlined in that twitter thread and other places but don't feel like it's worth the trouble because it's too divisive and won't effect any change in your view. I'm curious if you see value in your own child having a basic understanding of it.
  20. Last game Gary Barnett ever coached which is pretty hilarious.
  21. Not that it matters with all the other bullshit happening here, but if I’m following right I’m pretty sure this girl was used as an example of a POC up-thread:
  22. Surprised Ish wasn’t already Fong’ed really. The fact that Anderson only had the confidence lowered and didn’t get an aggy pick on that run has to be a good sign.
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