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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by UncleSonny

  1. Can probably add Arkansas too. They are improving but their huge 3 win showing in the SEC last season was on the heels of a 20 game losing streak in conference.
  2. Seems like a pretty reasonable trade for both sides to me. As good of a return that the Jets could hope for and there is a ton of upside for the Panthers. Darnold is only a few years removed from being a can't-miss prospect and he's still really young, only 23. Younger than Joe Burrow. Failing with Adam Gase and the Jets doesn't necessarily make you a bust. He'll be put in a much better position to succeed with Rhule and Joe Brady.
  3. Classic. According to wikipedia he's up to 14 kids with 8 different women. 3 since having a vasectomy. Not sure Jimbo's analyst salary is going to cut it.
  4. I'm not really following your point I guess. No, we aren't OSU, Bama, Clemson. That's kind of the problem, most of us believe with better coaching for the last decade we would be. Or hell, at the very minimum be the Georgia to OUs Bama in conference (drinks bleach). Not every school can say that. Iowa State can get a great coaching performance out of Matt Campbell but he can't turn them into a perennial contender. I just don't see parity as a good descriptor of college football. I guess you could say the Big12 has some, OU at the top, and then almost everyone else bunched around the middle with Kansas on the bottom. That isn't a function of those middle teams being especially dangerous compared to the past, it's mainly because Texas has fucked around for a decade and wastes talent year after year. Even as bad as things have been we have recruited significantly better than everyone in the conference every year (save OU), same as always. The Big12 significantly easier now than it was in 2008 when we had to play 4 consecutive top 10 teams in conference. We still have enough of a talent advantage against most teams on the schedule to expect a fast turnaround on the field if Sark is the real deal.
  5. How are you measuring parity exactly? The same program wins the Big10, SEC, ACC, and Big12 pretty much every season. The playoff has been some combination of Bama, OSU, Clemson, and then a 4th team that rotates in every year. I'm not seeing it. The teams with the most talent have been overwhelmingly successful.
  6. Did we fake a punt on the Holton Hill reception? I don't remember that at all. Who would have thought we had two NFL tight ends on that team. Certainly not the guy who kept trying to play one of them at QB.
  7. Awesome, Hook'em Royal. Hope he gets a big opportunity soon.
  8. Typically having space for social distancing has not been a problem at our spring game, even pre-pandemic.
  9. Incredible. He's untouchable for NewsMax and OAN so I guess he'll just have to stick around and be a member of the United States House of Representatives.
  10. It would sure be nice if Saban turned his attention to anywhere else but Texas.
  11. Is this the first time his name has actually been in the portal? Feels like he leaves the team and rejoins every 6 months or so. I have more patience for the fuckery of college kids than some here but even I'm through with him. It's a position of need but in addition to being a first team all Big12 flake he's also just not that good. How can we miss you if you won't actually leave Juwan?
  12. Joe Thomas had a similar transformation after he retired. It's wild to me how often former NFL linemen retire and slim down; it's a lot of work for some of those guys to keep on so much functional weight while they are playing. Seems like rbs often retire and quickly balloon up to linemen size.
  13. I almost feel bad for the IT mods having to churn out some content with these team "updates" that just rehash generalities that have already been discussed. Hopefully we get some real practice to talk about soon.
  14. Also notable Arch Manning coming in at #3 in this update. Malachi Nelson #2.
  15. I can't keep track with everyone's visit plan but wasn't Banks down to Oregon/aggy for his last visit and then confirmed his trip to College Station?
  16. Sure, that is a real consideration for many families. Honest question though, have we ever seen a player or family be aggressively prosecuted for taking payments? Cam's dad maybe? I remember the NCAA "investigation" but I can't remember how his criminal inquiry played out.
  17. For sure, it's probably a good thing to remember in general. Anytime you read "it's not that kind of recruitment" you should probably just add "-at this time" in your head. If you become a hot enough commodity there will be a point almost any player/family where the numbers being thrown around will force you to take notice unless your last name is Manning. And maybe even then.
  18. I'm good with hiring Ivey under the condition that he requires the entire team rock a baggy t-shirt underneath their jersey:
  19. I'll also add that initially the talk with him was bags weren't going to be a huge factor: he has a huge tiktok following that he'll be able to monetize. He was more interested in how a school could help incorporate his NIL rights once that comes through. Not sure what changed with that. I guess the most logical explanation is that his dad decided that he wants a taste too and it doesn't make any sense to leave bags on the table regardless of any social media income.
  20. You may be getting crossed up here. I didn't mention Imus, and I'm sure as hell not defending him. I was pushing back on whoever said it's common now for people to be fired simply for being honest on air. Curly mentioned him as an example (I think) of a person who was fired because he tripped up and was honest in his racism in front of a microphone. To me that means he was fired for being a racist asshole, not for being "honest".
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