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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Huckleberry

  1. Coming back to the thread over and over to continue the same argument, calling other people "retards." Yes, it's definitely the other people who are emotional. You're making a terrible argument and you're making it terribly. Of course people are going to respond. If you don't want so many people telling you you're stupid, stop making stupid posts.
  2. I agree that's what makes logical sense but my only issue is that I don't believe for a second that the Big 12 would not consider trying to find a way under the terribly written rules that the final CCG with them in the league is not Texas and Oklahoma. So again we end up with Texas just needing to beat Tech.
  3. But they might matter in the potential tiebreaker.
  4. Exactly. That was why I said there were 4,096 possible scenarios before this past weekend's games. Pretty embarrassing that Bohls doesn't know what that statement meant.
  5. They basically ignored tiebreaker situations involving us. That scenario where they say we clinch with a loss is the scenario where only one other team finishes 7-2 in conference. So obviously we're in.
  6. Exactly. They basically released a statement saying they still have no clue what the tiebreaker says. They're hoping it doesn't matter.
  7. I never said you have to look at a different video, I said the gif shown was not the best angle to see the hold. The hold is still perfectly obvious on what we saw here. More relevantly, your argument here makes no sense. The angle we saw here was also not the angle that the responsible official has on the play. So saying you can look at the play from another angle isn't giving anything away because the official who should make the call is looking from a different angle. You are flailing about wildly so I'm gonna leave you to it.
  8. Making up future arguments is just admitting that you lost the current one. Everyone else realizes that, do you?
  9. This is how it should be but the language of the tiebreaker rules does support the other interpretation. It says that once "one team gains an advantage and is seeded" then they go to the other teams. But then it says compare those to the "next highest" teams. The published tiebreaker rules are a complete and total mess.
  10. #37 is held by #75 who uses both hands to grasp the defender's left shoulder jersey and pad. This is a clear violation of 9-3-b. While the hold itself is obvious from other angles of the play the effect of that hold is also obvious from this angle for anyone with two functioning eyes. The left tackle's only concern on that play is making sure the LB does not disengage to cover the RB. He accomplishes that by holding him. He prevents disengagement twice via the hold and only lets go the third time once the back has released. The duration of the hold is actually irrelevant because there is nothing in the rules about "split second" holding being okay despite your previous terrible excuse.
  11. I get that you're trying to seem smart and snarky but you just come off as dumb and stubborn. Nobody is saying the side judge or back judge on this type of play should call the hold from this angle, but there was clear holding and you can see it in that gif if your goal is to see the truth rather than to play the role of wise and impartial truth teller. The latter just ends up being Kirk Bohls so if that's the company you'd like to keep then by all means proceed.
  12. No, the holding is still evident in the provided gif. In order not to see it you have to believe that defenders have a habit of attempting to hug their blocker after attempting disengagement.
  13. This is just wrong. There is an obvious hold after a less obvious hold but the angle is terrible.
  14. This is actually a much bigger deal than people think. They consistently give our opponents an extra yard and take a yard away from us every chance they get. If it's not near a line to gain it's never reviewed. That's a yard every play. There are 130 plays per game. You can subtract incomplete passes and touchbacks but that's about it.
  15. Worse than his previous reporting and attitude is that this mea culpa didn't include the followup question to the Big 12 "why hasn't Texas clinched? Explain the terribly written tiebreaker rules."
  16. Agreed, we should just kick Tech's ass. The fact that doing so would eliminate OU if the other two games go that way would be a nice bonus.
  17. No that's not the confusing part. It's very clear that H2H would not be used with those 3. The confusing part is if the conference decides to first figure out the 1 seed instead of doing the logical thing and eliminating the #3 team and putting the other 2 in the championship game. In the scenario from the tweet that website assumes OSU is eliminated and locked into #3 position. However, the terribly written and therefore ambiguous tiebreaker rules could be read to say that the next step where OU is the 1 seed is all that is locked in. Then Texas and OSU are analyzed for the second spot. Which would go to OSU because in that comparison OU is the highest placed common opponent. It would be a ridiculous screwjob which is of course why the Big 12 would try to do it to Texas.
  18. The only logical interpretation is to use only common opponents from the tied group. So 50/50 chance that's how the Big 12 does it.
  19. Defensive much? What in that post blamed Sanders for the tweet?
  20. You heard it here first, @texifornia compared Trey Owens to Vince Young.
  21. Honestly because they declined the penalty that has to be possibly the only time in CFB history that a player had a completion, a reception, and an interception recorded on a single play, right? That can't have happened very many times before.
  22. I think this might be right but looking at all 4,096 scenarios where Texas beats Iowa State and loses to Tech might take more time than I have.
  23. Huckleberry


    One great way to prove you're not a pussy is to still be upset about someone telling you to stop being one 4 days later.
  24. There are high school friends who went to A&M then there are high school friends who went to A&M and became cult members. One of my best friends went there and so did his wife. They met there. But at their wedding maroon was not one of the colors and no A&M songs were played at the reception. So no, you don't always have to cut old friends loose for going there.
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