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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Huckleberry

  1. Great job by Barron not going for the kill shot there.
  2. Avoid the red zone entirely. Brilliant strategy. Great halftime adjustment. Ha.
  3. I don't care how many he makes in a row, I will forever remain mad at him for 52-0 over OU not happening.
  4. Pretty frustrating not to be up by 24 or more.
  5. That took too long as they tried to fuck us.
  6. D stepping up again. Fucking nice. I think it may have slipped through to the ground but there is no evidence of that on those replays.
  7. Now THAT was a terrible pass by Ewers. Totally awful.
  8. Fuck Dvoracek for being a Sooner and getting an extra year of eligibility for being a drunk and violent asshole, but I do appreciate a color announcer who points out things like Finkley making the play on that TFL by setting the edge.
  9. They didn't call that until he held him a third time.
  10. You're clowning yourself. That was the easier throw to make. And it was made. Higher velocity throws are less accurate.
  11. You mean an extremely easy to catch ball for a touchdown? Yeah why didn't he throw a laser with less margin for error? Great question.
  12. Doesn't matter if it was a fumble in the Iowa game. Fourth down so nobody except the fumbler can advance it. Still would have been Nebraska ball at the same spot.
  13. The above is fairly accurate. The Big 12 "clarified" (meaning they actually rewrote the rule but wanted to claim they weren't) the first tiebreaker to say that if one team had beaten all others it was tied in then head-to-head applied to put that team ahead of the rest. So Oklahoma State is actually rooting for us because that puts their destiny in their own hands instead of having to trust Big 12 tiebreaker decisions if we fall back and make it a bigger tie clusterfuck.
  14. Dart being out there is terrible on Ole Miss's part.
  15. Very simple. Don't lower and lead with the crown of the helmet. Where he hit the QB wasn't the violation.
  16. That's targeting on 0. Would have been an illegal spear 30 years ago.
  17. Pettiness is never necessary but it's frequently deserved. And it's deserved here.
  18. Man if Diggs fully recovers that's a ridiculous combination of opportunistic CBs.
  19. Nothing quite as frustrating as watching a QB take a sack on 4th down. Well not in this case on that last one by Washington but it's so dumb.
  20. It was grabbed without a flag because he initiated the contact with it. If he had just run and tried to use both hands to catch the ball he would have had a much better chance at the catch or flag.
  21. Your #2 is highly unlikely, not probable. This is the craziest thing Texas fans are certain of. Texas beat Alabama at Alabama. If both are one loss conference champs, Texas gets in over Alabama.
  22. We handle them about average. People just whine because it's the coaching search that they pay the most attention to.
  23. Peter Mpagi should be in bold. Come on, Jeff. I mean technically not on athletic scholarship anymore but be reasonable.
  24. lolwut There are plenty of pictures of Hampton being held with impunity. Of the entire Oklahoma OL holding our entire DL. Hampton's career was when Stoops figured out you can hold Texas and never get called for it. Hampton was one of the greatest college football players of all time. Comparing an interior college DL to him is as inherently silly as comparing a QB to VY.
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