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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Huckleberry

  1. If he was dishonest and misled our opponent about our player availability, well, good.
  2. As the other poster pointed out, those both show the Big 12 as second (or virtually tied for it). The reason you're not understanding is because like most talking heads you aren't considering that the bottom half of a conference is also in the conference. You can't focus only on the top 40% of it. For example, one of the shitty teams in the Big 12 took Oregon to the wire. Texas did not get as many virtual byes by playing complete dogshit teams as other top contenders did despite what many around here think of the conference. The Big 12, as it has almost always done, had a much deeper pool of decent teams. It has been the second best conference in the country overall during the time it has existed and has several seasons being the best conference. Completely inept administrative leadership has fooled even its own schools' fans into thinking it is also competitively weak. It isn't and hasn't ever been that.
  3. 0.1% (or whatever it would have been) is better than 0%. Not my fault you don't understand simple probability.
  4. No, Oregon winning would have been better for Texas because it could have or would have (depending on tomorrow's results) created a decision to be made. But it's over now. Need a loss by FSU or Michigan (ha).
  5. This is a stupid post and it makes me think you're stupid. You should feel bad.
  6. Maybe, just maybe, the eye test is bullshit. See current Oregon score. Long way to go and they certainly may come back, but someone should tell the committee their eyes suck.
  7. That's been illegal for 40 years, used to be called spearing.
  8. Same rule for everyone. I think some of the confusion is that "where they begin the slide" means when their knee touches the ground, not where they start dropping their hips toward the ground. There's no difference to my knowledge of the player being down rule for a slide. They're down when they're down. In the NFL there's a difference because they're down as soon as their knee touches, they do not need to be contacted to be down if they slide or otherwise give themselves up. The only difference in college is that if you make a movement indicating you're going to slide and fake it then you're down where the fake started. That's the Kenny Pickett rule.
  9. Y'all realize every player can slide, right? It's not just QBs.
  10. Instead of Murphy? In that case I would definitely have hope that Manning catches fire better than Murphy.
  11. That's the thing. I'm not sure that Glenn would be any worse than Rodemaker. Hell, there's a chance he's better.
  12. So he ALLEGEDLY beat and abused her in ways that leave only superficial marks. You know, so that internet posters will say "but these are only minor injuries maybe she's lying." If true, that's either a huge coincidence or the mark of a very experienced woman abuser.
  13. The University of Texas had a plan ready to implement to improve the State of Texas for this and future generations by opening a research campus in Houston. Legislators and the University of Houston whined so much due to selfish tribalism that we scrapped it. The idea that we should play nice by scheduling such babies is absurd. There is only one public university system in Texas devoted to being an excellent academic institution and benefiting all citizens of the state. The small-minded idiots associated with the lesser institutions have never played nice with UT despite UT's efforts to play nice. So fuck 'em.
  14. Must be like Yogi Berra said about that restaurant, nobody goes to prison anymore because it's too crowded.
  15. Most of that post doesn't make any sense and the parts that make sense either don't grasp important historical information or are just plain wrong.
  16. Sorry if this was already discussed, but did we know that the pitcher who laid out the batter who homered and then taunted him will be in the conference this season? https://uhcougars.com/sports/baseball/roster/owen-woodward/8102
  17. Why does Fawcett bother signing his edits? Nobody else puts out that oversaturated garbage.
  18. Jesus here we go again. AGAIN, no team that was not a conference champion has ever gone to the playoff ahead of a P5 conference champion with the same number of losses. Ever. Not even once. If every undefeated team lost on Saturday (obviously won't happen) the playoff would be Alabama, Oregon, Texas, and Georgia/Michigan/Ohio State. Best odds for the last spot to Georgia of course.
  19. This is a bad post and you should feel bad for making it. Again, never in the history of the playoff had a non-champion gone ahead of a P5 champion with the same number of losses. Never. Ever.
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