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Mack Tripper

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Mack Tripper

  1. This. And then they hit threes on the other end.
  2. Saw an interview of a student who said he wasn't friends with the shooter but somewhat knew him and that the shooter wasn't just bullied by other students, but also by some of the teachers and coaches. Sad fucking situation all around.
  3. I got a refurbished Simplisafe system that was about 35% cheaper and it's worked great. Very easy to install. App works. Monitoring is optional with Simplisafe, but I use it.
  4. La Croix grapefruit is way better than HEB brand. Lime is about the same.
  5. Fucking Orrin Hatch trying to fuck things up once again and will introduce another (he wrote the original bill that was ruled unconstitutional) bill outlawing gambling.
  6. When asked about his clothing style, he called it "neo-pretentious." I liked that.
  7. Amazon Prime will get you discounts at Whole Foods soon. https://slate.com/business/2018/05/whole-foods-discount-amazon-prime-members-how-it-works.html
  8. I literally love Vernon Maxwell.
  9. Also Delft is nice side trip.
  10. I think the best Dutch cuisine we had were the bitterballen. I would definitely hit up the Foodhallen. There's a quite good place for bitterballs here, as well as food from all over the world. It is part of a larger complex (Den Hallen) with a bunch of shops that used to be an old train station. http://foodhallen.nl/standhouders/ Kantjil & De Tijger is a good Indonesian place. https://www.kantjil.nl/en/
  11. Pax Americana is still going strong to quite strong.
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