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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sawbonz

  1. Not without a cattle prod up is ass
  2. Link his post stating he thinks the above is ok
  3. For the next six weeks every day is going to be mental health court for him
  4. Yes assholes can hold up signs that say rape within marriage is not possible or are full of homophobic slurs and the students can’t do shit about it. Campus cops are posted there to protect these POS assholes. And then tuition paying students are treated like this. btw I love how Hartzell tries to imply there were outside agitators as part of the protest. Fucking coward
  5. Abbott was hoping for teargas and busted heads and Hartzell was complicit
  6. Fuck him. His actions or omissions put my daughter in harm’s way today. She was in class in the six pack while that shit was happening
  7. This is the world we live in.
  8. Apparently a lot of profs have posted on their social media accounts
  9. If”UT” really asked for troopers that means Hartzell asked for troopers. He needs to be gone
  10. BL moderates like a 70s dad would parent. If the kids aren’t making an ungodly racket he doesn’t gaf what’s going on. When you start making too much noise he’s going to whip everyone’s ass regardless of who is at fault.
  11. Trump isn’t going to pick a running mate who ain’t got no legs
  12. Daughter - no pics - said the plan was to gather on the South Mall and march to the capitol and hold prolonged protest there.
  13. Is that your name or, like, what you do?
  14. Why should we die? They’re the assholes
  15. These chucklefucks think the Rapture is nigh
  16. He’s probably going to find out the difference pretty soon
  17. He's sucking up to trump, trying to be the authoritarian. The more I think about this the more pissed I get. Those are fucking tuition paying students with every right to assemble there and that POS called riot troops in on them Yet nonstudents stand in the west mall and harass students, yelling antilgbtq and misogynistic shit at people they think look “gay” or “slutty” and there are cops there to keep students from going off on them
  18. When the MAGAest of the MAGAs won’t give a yes know answer on their personal stance on abortion you know they are scared
  19. Are they taking every Wednesday off?
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