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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sawbonz

  1. Where are there federally funded “full term” abortion clinics?
  2. Is that company based in Texas or did any of the incidents occur in Texas? Why would the company be required to give him anything?
  3. So they are going to fight for this woman to get her job back when the post she got fired for is too offensive for them to post without blurring it and covering it with a disclaimer?
  4. You really are a fucking moron in Jesus’ name also isn’t your Easter on May 5 this year?
  5. Never apologize and never admit you’re wrong. Pretty hard to med fences. And once someone fails the purity test, you convince the rabid rubes who now make up your base that they are corrupt liars, RINOs, or secretly progressives who are part of the system rigging and stealing elections. Even if you can win them back you can’t rehab them with the cult members
  6. If the Texas Democratic Party weren’t completely worthless and incompetent, clips of this video would be in ads running on every social media platform and running during the evening and nightly news on stations all over the state
  7. My bad. You didn’t say *your* company. But you did say “lots of them” have lenders who “said they had to” so do you want to provide examples or continue with your obfuscating?
  8. Didn’t Rocco get 9?
  9. NEVER admit a mistake or apologize for anything. Trump got that from Roy Cohn. And here we are also *buses
  10. You made an assertion that your company “had” to have ESG/dei programs in order to get funding. all I find on google is that many banks offer a product that gives a discount for companies that can document those programs. Not even close to the same thing Provide some proof for your assertion or fuck off
  11. Still waiting for the link to the companies whose only loan options require ESG programs
  12. Again you haven’t linked any lender that shows a company *has* to prove ESG or DEI to get a loan From what I read online there is a new type of loan since around 2017 that gives a discount to companies that can demonstrate an ESG program Chase gives me a discount on my car note if I let them auto draft the monthly payment. Doesn’t mean I can’t get a car loan if I don’t do that
  13. To be fair wrt fisting and Vaseline you really can’t mention one without the other
  14. Well this is the racism thread and your initial post I was responding to was specifically discussing your experience with dei questions you were asked, so I’m not sure why you think my focus is weird. I take it that you don’t have any examples of a company not being able to get a loan without a dei program (I guess for completeness you can add environmentally friendly or sustainability programs if you want but you didn’t mention being asked about those things)
  15. All I could find is some banks will give you points for having a dei program. Can you link something that says they won’t give you a loan at all without one?
  16. Maybe I’m just bad at google but I don’t see anything about a company being required to demonstrate dei in order to obtain a loan. Are you talking about accessing funds guaranteed by tax dollars or something? Seriously just post a link
  17. I’m part of a group that just got approval for 25M and the only questions we were asked were to ascertain our ability to pay it back. We looked at several large banks including Truist BoA and Chase and a couple of regional banks so I want to know the lenders you have personal knowledge of who require that kind of documentation before approval
  18. What lender wouldn’t give your company a loan without you demonstrating your dei bona fides
  19. A single bridge in fucking Baltimore. If Baltimore suddenly went to 0% in terms of everything it produces would anyone even notice?
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