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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sawbonz

  1. Y'all are surprised that a black man in America is skeptical that a rich white man is going to face any real consequences for his behavior?
  2. You saying Frank Stallone can’t beat polio?
  3. I mean, basically, she just laid out her blueprint on how to fix it
  4. My first experience with someone having to make a decision regarding a 3rd trimester abortion was on my 3rd year OB gyn rotation as a med student. A 30ish mom with a 9 yo and a toddler was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of breast cancer that initial staging showed was in the local lymph nodes at least. She was 6 weeks or more from her baby being at the brink of viability (months in NICU, likely lifelong GI issues, possible cognitive deficits, etc). To have even a 50-50 chance at 5 year survival, the heme-onc team said she needed immediate chemotherapy which meant terminating the pregnancy. Keep her baby and not live to see any of her children grow up. Abort her baby and have a 50% chance of being there for the other 2 children. She chose to keep the baby. Don't know how it turned out but I have a pretty good idea. Almost all late stage abortions are true life or death situations for the mom, or fatal birth defects for the baby. These are devastatingly difficult decisions, and most of the parents consider it no different than the loss of a child.
  5. Sampling error is not a lie. But in general lies, damn lies, and statistics
  6. I’m pretty sure if you don’t pay your subs word spreads quickly
  7. I thought it was around 80%. 50% is an improvement no?
  8. Never apologize. Never admit you are wrong or made a mistake. Thats Trump 101
  9. LOL you think any of her “people” ever tell her no? have you not been paying attention the past 10 years? Edit it’s the most perfect puppy murder story. Many people are saying more misbehaving pets should be put down. Virtually all behavior experts and veterinarians agree there or no alternatives to death in these instances
  10. Imagine being a grown man and you need your mom to bail you out of jail eta this reminds me of the crazy dude in Kansas or Missouri who duct taped his mistress to some fitness equipment in his basement or garage, got kicked out of office and then ran for something else. Did he wind up winning?
  11. Is the average Russian male’s life expectancy even 64 years? I would imagine less than half of males 40-50 would even be deployable due to chronic disease, and not 10% of those over 50 Health declines fast after 45 in Russia
  12. Old people who have been convinced that election interference as a thing and are scared to death, that they will be denied their vote due to being expunged from voter rolls etc
  13. What makes you think Dan is into women?
  14. I think he is talking about their public profiles. What he said is true among my kids and their “friends” (late teens to early twenties) 1000 followers and following and a handful of pics / posts finsta is where everything goes
  15. Thats why I’m following this thread. It’s only mildly grating
  16. There is a big feral dog problem right now. Assholes from the city dump them in the country. A lone one will slink around until someone takes it in or it starves, but if 2 or more hook up they quickly revert to their pack hunter instincts and can be as devastating as wolves to livestock. They have to be put down. What she did she did out of bloodlust also I didn’t realize the goat was the same day holy shit
  17. Well, I mean Trump lawyers are literally arguing for it in front of the Supreme Court
  18. This is really weird. He seemed to make significant progress with blocking this year. He had to know pre-combine what his bench numbers would be. Should have claimed upper extremity issue and skipped
  19. They muted the candidates talking out of turn last time. I think that was one of the reasons Trump refuses to be subject to that nonpartisan group that typically schedules and runs them
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