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Nice Guy Eddie

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nice Guy Eddie

  1. and to be clear, I don't equate personal bankruptcy with stealing or being a bad person. People make mistakes or have unfortunate situations. Problems can happen to anyone. Bankruptcy can be a necessary process for people to move on with their lives, hopefully in the right direction. I find that deciding to not pay debts is an extreme position. If me, I would look for the best interest option and start working to knock it out. I agree that paying off 90K (and growing) debt would be painful. I might start driving for uber on the weekend, or look for a higher paying job.
  2. Not that Swift-Kelce were the first but I imagine there will be a rush of athletes and musicians who start "dating". There's too much money being left on the table.
  3. I understand that idea but failing to pay back debt feels like its compounding one problem perhaps into a bigger problem. Maybe others disagree but there is something about owning your responsibilities. Or at least attempting to do so. I watched my parents go into bankruptcy to avoid debt, and then I watched them borrow from a family member. Guess how much that family member got paid back? $0. I lost respect for my parents 30 years ago that has never returned. I get that the bank is faceless and amoral but I think there is something about not stealing. Call me crazy.
  4. An even more accurate headline, “Trump encourages Putin to interfere in our election. (Again.)”
  5. Please God, give me one more oil crypto boom. This time I promise to sell and not hodl.
  6. NVDA now up 50% since Dec 31st. Keep telling myself that is was ok that I sold 2/3 of my shares last year. Not working.
  7. To me, the Grammys are about 1 thing: sometimes there are some historic performances. However I would never watch the 3 hour show to see them. Catch them the next day on youtube after you read what was good and bad.
  8. The Grammys are 100% about selling albums and promoting concerts. It's never been about the best music. They throw a bone every now and then to a new unknown act but it's mainly about who the big distributors are looking to promote.
  9. I've always thought it would be interesting to be a personal finance advisor for people that need helping budgeting or planning for the future. And I don't mean someone who calls themselves an advisor but is looking to manage your money or sell you insurance products. I mean rather someone who directs the client how to organize their budget, accounts, money, etc. Relatively small hourly rate just so the person isn't taking advantage of you.
  10. Some players would get kicked out of game for yelling at the coach in the game. Established players with a relationship with the coach get some level of a pass. Coaches today are often more of a partner with the long term players. In some leagues, the players can get a coach replace if the coach doesn't fit the players.
  11. Trump envious of the size of Taylor's hands.
  12. Hence why some Rs and Independents need a message that has Biden + stock market = your high net worth. And the goal isn't to flip 100% of them because that ain't happening. Convincing a few to vote for Biden, or a few to not vote at all, or to not give Trump/GOP a donation matters. A few thousand votes in the right state may decide this race. As the true incumbent, Biden has to run on his record. And the truth is that some people have never been as well off as today. Biden has to exploit that fact.
  13. Biden needs to thread the needle by reminding the investor class, including 401k holders, that their investing health has NEVER been as good as they are today, Feb 12th. Make Wall Street Great Again. But without shoving it in the face of the non-investor class who are struggling with paying rent and grocery bills. Of course with today's world of targeted advertising, emails, etc, this isn't an impossible task. Now many people with investments are going to vote for Trump no matter how you target them but you want their enthusiasm for Trump to be brought down a level or two.
  14. BTC basically 50K as I type this. Investors who bought the $IBIT etf a month ago are up 14%. ETH over $2,500.
  15. While I disagree, I can understand that some football fans didn’t like some players kneeling. It was more in their face. Now I see them pissed at Swift because they sorta know her political view but she is relatively passive about it. Some now just hate seeing a successful liberal person.
  16. If someone is not a worrier, I recommend to look at your portfolio balances at least monthly. If the balance is up, I’m happy about that. If it’s down, then I know my new contributions are buying even more shares. I realize that a negative person could flip that logic but I find it empowering to always know where I am.
  17. I would bet even young guys getting laid look up to Tate to some extent. Tate shows off wealth and he puts life in simple terms. “If you’re with me, you’re a badass and if not, you’re a beta.” I’m sure that some young men struggle to go against their peers when Tate and/or his philosophy is brought up. And of course, Tate is an actual sex trafficker, which the right normally rails against, but some (many?) on the right embrace Tate. Very bizarre.
  18. I have to guess that many young men especially white, are drawn to attitudes expressed by Andrew Tate or similar influencers. And while Tate may not be a political influencer, there must be a strong correlation between Tate and Trump supporters.
  19. Has he owned that URL for a long time? I can only imagine how much it would cost to buy a URL with a name like MyStore.com. That would be like buying a prime spot on the top shopping street of your town. I could see Lindell in negotiating an expensive URL. “Give me the URL for free and I will turn it into a huge success. It’s a guarantee and then I will pay you all of the money you’re asking me for. Why are you not understanding this.” Basically the song recording scene from boogie nights.
  20. many of the largest brokers don’t allow transactions with the new btc etfs. Imagine the inflow if they did. I imagine charts like this are being passed around in these brokerages discussing the demand.
  21. I only HODL conservative assets like Ethereum and Dogecoin.
  22. I sold most of my stake in the 400s when I was ecstatic about the profit. Oh well you don't go broke selling for at a profit and I did keep some of my shares.
  23. The other odd traffic issue that I've seen with 11th and a couple of other streets in the Heights is the addition of constant signage that tells you to stop for pedestrians. It implies that a pedestrian can walk into any intersection, at any point, and they have the right of way. You're driving 30mph and someone walks into the street, you are required to stop even though there is not a traffic light or stop sign. A major thoroughfare should not have pedestrian-first expectations unless you want some dead pedestrians. 11th isn't a quiet cul-de-sac road.
  24. In the past, I would blow past the standard deduction relatively easily with property tax, mortgage interest, charity, etc. but in looking at my 2023 taxes this may be the last year I itemize. My mortgage interest is very low and Texas has lowered my property tax.
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