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Nice Guy Eddie

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nice Guy Eddie

  1. The Georgia gop begged Trump to not cause chaos for the ‘20 GA senate special election runoff between loeffler and Warnock. Warnock won 51-49 on the Jan 5th runoff and loeffler was closing fast. If Trump had accepted his loss, I’m confident that Loeffler would have won. Instead Trump effectively kept himself in the spotlight along with the fake results mantra that propelled Warnock into the senate. Which of course led to Warnock getting a full term in ‘22 against Herschel Walker.
  2. Very telling that even Ronna McDaniel is being cautious with her statements today regarding that Michigan phone call. You can only imagine what other conversations some of them had that and how they stay up at night worried about the 5am "knock" on the door by the FBI.
  3. what is the failure rate of these pledges? 100%?
  4. Obviously no one else thinks US Steel is worth $14.1B or they would have bought it. The only national interest that I can see with this is if we think Nippon Steel will eventually close all US operations. But there's nothing stopping US Steel from doing that today anyway. And does it really help when the govt requires inefficient companies from finding an owner that gives them the best chance. Whether or not US Steel is historic or storied, who cares. Plenty of historic companies and even industries often disappear.
  5. Influencers are paid whores to say whatever you want from them. You don’t need to explicitly get them to say vote for this politician or this one, just get them to repeat lies or half-truths. The good news is that most of their viewers are too lazy to vote if not too lazy to register. However this can be a low cost method to buy votes. gone are the days that people would look to experts for info, not that those experts didn’t also had agendas as well.
  6. If interested, TexAgs has a thread on the train wreck that is Kyle. https://texags.com/forums/16/topics/3432862 his family is unhappy with him and his book so they’re spilling details about him. Including how he scored very poorly on the military enlistment test and was ultimately rejected. I didn’t know this item but it explains even more about him. warning, you have to deal with TexAgs’ frequent posting that Kyle was right in killing the 2 protesters.
  7. Yep, and half of the people are below average intelligence. when voting for an incumbent many people ask the simple question: Am I better today than I was 4 years ago. And there’s a whole army of online sources telling you that you’re not. They will tell you that gas was $1.99 on Election Day in 2020. The world was at peace. American tax dollars was staying in America and not going to fight non-American wars. And when TikTok feeds me these “facts”, I could take the time to validate them myself but there’s another video waiting for me to swipe. Not to mention that TikTok will soon feed me a similar video(es) that will cement those fake ideas in my head.
  8. Our justice system can sometimes work too slowly and further harm the victims but the person-in-the-wrong can't hide forever. And they sometimes even escape via death but that doesn't protect their estate once the ruling has come down. The 2 plaintiffs will never see $150M but they will get something from Rudy. Like with Alex Jones, Rudy won't be allowed to use bankruptcy to protect himself from malicious actions. After 9/11 Rudy could do no wrong. He must have been earning millions via his Bracewell named partnership and his consulting businesses. And he was named as a legit POTUS candidate. Now he's at the level of Mike Lindell and Candice Owens. Maybe even lower if that is possible.
  9. Can someone set up a Abbott-like migrant plane to send Paxton and Patrick back to their home states?
  10. So we're back to Monday's prices. Quick recovery. My guess is that many people took profits yesterday afternoon, and after sleeping on it, they wanted back in today.
  11. Don't many hotels offer check-in via their apps? I still prefer having the plastic key but I won't wait in a long line for it.
  12. too many here are the mirror image of the GQP making libs cry. It's not about showing up Trump and his followers. It's about winning in '24. Taking Trump off the general election ballot in CO only helps Trump. He is loving this situation. Some of you are treating the CO decision like a win for the good guys.
  13. I fear stories like this one about black voters in GA, where they're becoming apathetic to Biden, at best. We've fallen into a trap where many look to the President to solve problems but we give the President very little credit when something is going well. Prices are up, it's Joe's fault. I got a COLA raise at work, that's due to my hard work and not my employer doing well. I can understand many, especially lower income and/or poor are not seeing any impact of a red hot stock market. Trump was smart politically when he highlighted that HE was giving stimulus checks to people. Didn't he include a letter, and have his signature on physical checks that went out? Finally this is a bad paragraph for Biden.
  14. No. this is 100% exactly what SS is not supposed to be. It's not simple, and you (and Mike Lee) are proposing to end SS. Your idea is akin to me opting out of paying local property tax and sales tax. Instead I will pay private companies to take my trash, repair the potholes on my commute, and I will subscribe to a private police force. Win for all, right? SS is there to effectively give all seniors a livable wage to some extent. It's universal income before that became a term. If someone like you, feels very opposed to SS, then opt out of the benefit payments. No one will force you to take them.
  15. It can work in the opposite direction as well. Colorado may find out that a meaningless gesture gives Trump PA, GA and AZ, and the white house. but hey, Biden will take CO with 95% of the vote for a moral victory.
  16. While I agree with the CO move in principal, overall it's bad for America when a top President candidate is being disqualified from a state. It would be nothing for Abbott and Paxton to declare that Biden's "impeachable" offenses are treasonous to the US and remove him from the ballot. Trump wasn't going to win CO in terms of the general so this does nothing to reduce his electoral votes. And it will just create more fuel to the fire that Trump is being unfairly persecuted.
  17. No, mexico is paying for the tax cuts. Or something like that.
  18. Whitlock isn't married and I don't believe that he mentions having kids, so he should start the example of proclaiming that a non-family man shouldn't vote.
  19. Retirees need SS because it's very difficult for most to save enough money to fully fund their retirement. Say you're a better than average saver but you have a roughly average salary today of 75K. To retire on a full replacement income based solely on your own savings, you may need to have saved between $1.2m-1.9m. That isn't an easy amount for most to invest/earn based on an average salary. But if SS would offset that by 25K annually that retirement savings range drops to 800K-1.25m. While still a large amount, it's a bit more likely. (I'm using a 4-6% withdrawal rate for my calcs, and I know a safe withdrawal rate is different for everyone)
  20. People need forced savings. You can tell people all day long that they need to save/invest more but many won’t. They’ll agree it’s important but they have living expenses which they won’t sacrifice. Someone like Mike Lee will say that others, not saving or investing, isn’t his problem. I disagree that we all have an interest in not letting our senior citizens starve or become a burden for the state. SS’s future budget problems can easily be fixed.
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