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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by jimmyjazz

  1. If Trump claims under oath he never had sex with either woman, and one or both can prove otherwise, that puts him on the hook for perjury, doesn't it? I'm not sure how one would "prove" it without video or maybe a 3rd party witness (a mental image so gross I'm going to go make a Bloody Mary to hopefully wash it out of my brain).
  2. Oddly specific. (Older daughter used to cut hair at Supercuts.)
  3. I don't think my sarcasm came through.
  4. How can someone be pro-Israel AND pro-Hitler? COME ON! Also, did you know Abraham Lincoln was a Republican?
  5. I'm much more of a pop/rock/soul guy than punk, but I sure wish I could have seen some of those seminal Austin bands like The Dicks and The Big Boys.
  6. People who routinely stan for fascist wannabes.
  7. I'd say the best scenario for a 2 QB system is when both have radically different skillsets. That's not the case here.
  8. Ugh. Again, Kennedy's value add is . . . low.
  9. In my world, criticism of "bullshit journalism" would have no concern for "one of our own" and money donated, but shockingly, you feel differently. Everything is for sale with you guys.
  10. The number of lower-performing racist Texans migrating to easy SEC schools is well known and sad. Mostly because the schools are sad.
  11. No, YOU apparently know him and you're carrying his water, as you often do for oligarchs and theocrats.
  12. Well, he got his crooked teeth fixed, so where exactly is the insult supposed to land? I'm sure he's no saint, but she always struck me as even more batshit crazy than most. Her music's OK, but I see him as the talent. Classic goofy-ass dude lands the moderately hot partner and then shit goes south, I guess.
  13. Yeah, phrasing? I'd put Sturgill and Caamp on my "see" list. The rest of the lineup is going to have to get me there, though. I'm too old for this shit.
  14. @msucolt45, stop making this stupid suggestion. It's as if you never played a team sport.
  15. Nobody is arguing with you, Sack. My pushback was on the concept that "outsiders" shouldn't be promulgating ugly viewpoints on campus, "because".
  16. I am but a simple layman, but the thought of any juror who has a personal agenda they will act on in deliberations getting through voir dire makes my blood boil. I know it happens, though.
  17. That's not exactly true. Targeted threats of violence can be prosecuted. This is what I'm referring to.
  18. At least find someone who knows how to source pickles.
  19. The "outside group" delineation is what bothers me. Hate speech and lawlessness should not be tolerated on campus, period. The affiliated status of those protesting (hateful or not) matters not one fucking whit, but here we go, it's code for "furriners".
  20. Well, except for that detail that the public can legally gather on campus.
  21. Doubtful, as Cricket was mostly white.
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