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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. Yep. We used to sit on the porch and shoot them out the driveway.
  2. I’m calling bullshit he put these words together in less than 45 mins.
  3. That was my thoughts. I’m sure if the FBI wants in, they are in. But yeah, as far is theft is concerned someone knows how to break those serials down and it won’t take long to get out. Whoopsies.
  4. This thread planted that pretty solidly into my mind a few pages back. I’ve never had a days lapse since I graduated, even in O&G. But I’ve made a cognizant effort to keep in mind, the next move (I’m 40) should probably be the last. Plan has always been to travel again (contract) once the kids are out of the house, but that doesn’t jive with what the last few pages has taught me. The market can certainly turn over the next 15+ years though.
  5. If they haven’t gotten to talking about your children get, you’re still on the fun side of the board.
  6. Still my favorite. But I’m not a huge handgun guy, so I have not had too many thru my hands.
  7. Absolutely unacceptable, tbh. Corporate greed of these industrial types is sickening. Just watching the country burn because of a mission statement and fiduciary duty.
  8. Oh my. Who’s doing the work for you?
  9. We missed the opener to sit in a river and kill a few limits of beers since the kids had a rare weekend off from sports. But the pasture next door sounded like they were doing pretty good. Glad to see the pics from those that made it out.
  10. AcCeSsOrIeS!!1! TaCtICoOL #gravyseal hrrrdrrr who upthread was sucking NZ over their gun laws? Might want check on their feelings on suppressors.
  11. I get it. The same way IDGAF about your thoughts or concerns on the issue. Mad because I can get an AR in an hour at the 7/11? I couldn’t find a fuck to give if you gave a barrel of fucks to me. But eventually the youth will save us!!1!
  12. *out of incorrectly spec barreled firearms.
  13. Is this a good faith argument? It currently takes a year to get hearing protection that requires a stamp. Read: not something that fires a projectile, something that makes shooting safer. eta: you posted just before me answering.
  14. Dove opener this weekend, for those of you that don’t know and around the rural parts of town. In case you hear a bit of gunfire.
  15. Funny thing is this one didn’t appear planned. But was like, yeah, this car was going down. Just not like this. Also, can’t take the Iowa out of someone. Truly concerned about the cornfield burning while your 450k is burning to the ground, lulz. Can’t believe there was nothing but brakes and shields left in the end. Crazy.
  16. Considerable amounts? Come on. We're along way from having to deflect from the issue and start screaming race!!!1!
  17. Now you are getting what I’m spitting. History often rhymes, after all.
  18. Sounds like a nice dream. Maybe your great grandkids can make it come true. How many more 10’s of millions of arms will be floating around by then, who knows.
  19. You’re right. This might just be the issue that does it here.
  20. I couldn’t tell you. 6$ for 100 or so? I know it feeds considerably smoother, and is much more accurate. If my .22’s are out, it’s because the kids are taking up practice. And I’d rather them stack them in the ring and learn accuracy than save a few bucks.
  21. Well, the kiwis do with guns. Pretty simple one there. Aussie farmers, too.
  22. And yet, things just seem to keep going in our favor on the subject. I find it hard to believe you haven’t realized what you think is right keeps getting dunked on, maybe there is a reason for that?
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