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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. You want me to point you to all the things we should be able to own but aren’t allowed to?
  2. I’m not pretending anything. I know where they fall on it, for now. Has nothing to do with cover. It won’t be the upper middle class and up that are affected by licensing, taxing, and insurance requirements. Like everything else in this country, it will be another problems fie the ones without means.
  3. Incorrect. For close to 10 years I’ve clearly stated my positions on laws I would support if brought by R’s. Pretty much everything except outright bans and certain aspects of red flags laws I think need further vetting. The difference is you think that should be my #1 issue, and worth crossing the aisle for. I disagree. That’s pretty simple to understand, imo.
  4. I get this sentiment, but really, feeding better ammo into a .22 makes a noticeable difference. Bricks for sending the kids off to explore, but I've been running match grade stuff thru all mine for a decade or better now. That said, all the .22's at the front of the safe are benchrest and a target model Ruger Mark.
  5. Yes. You can show me where I don’t care about school shootings? Because that was the claim. Which is patently false.
  6. On record you say. Receipt? I believe I'm an above average asshole, thank you.
  7. Almost every person I know irl that voted for him in '16 did in '20as well, and would again in '24, fwiw. Can't explain to you about this website. I think there are plenty here that did and won't admit it - I don't know why lie. I didn't plan to vote, but was in Virginia during voting anyhow. Doubt I would have changed my mind to vote in '20, but didn't have the opportunity even if I wanted to. Completely apathetic at that point.
  8. I didn’t vote for Trump part II, electric orangaloo. Wouldn’t vote for him in ‘24 either. Man without representation.
  9. Yes. Adults are back in charge, how could I ever have forgetten? Shame me for what, specifically? Or are you an every R is a nazi guy? Go fuck yourself. That’s just garbage. Even you are better than that level of bullshit.
  10. You tell me. Probably same reason Hilldog and Abrams claimed there was. I mean fuck, a voting location or two changes in a certain area and we get a 20 page thread talking about the end of democracy. Forget to provide ballots to others and it’s a simple mistake. Teams, same as it ever was.
  11. Kid also had a "BASED" patch on. stunt.
  12. Why is it so important to know every detail of the others then? We typically broadcast on the NEWS the last time they were on 8chan or whatever the fuck, their handle, twitter, facebook, where and when they bought the gun, and even how many times they've practiced with it (Uvalde). Now, it's no longer important for the news channels to blast all that out? Cool, cool.
  13. No matter what patch gets you sent home, 50% of the idiots will be outraged. Plug and play for any flag.
  14. Assumptions that are typically cleared up somehow…when the parents say it’s ok to release, I suppose. Or fuck it guess it’s not the public’s business to understand what causes these timebombs to go off.
  15. Targeting a Christian school. Several outliers.
  16. Yet others are available. And you don’t have quotes from the victims swearing there’s nothing to see here, move along.
  17. So now we are letting the grieving victims decide what’s best for public consumption? This isn’t gory pics, it’s a document that could be used to learn more about the asshole that did it, and potentially why they did it. I’m pretty sure one could glean some information from that. OR, this particular asshole checks ALOT of the boxes that people don’t want to discuss. Im sure that’s not it.
  18. Apparently, matagorda surf was place to be yesterday.
  19. 10000 spoons and all. Can't wait to be a Democrat when I grow up. Having the ability to blame every. single. thing. I don't like on the evil R's has to save so much time. Some snowflakes melt faster than others.
  20. The first cousin of “everyone I disagree with is a Nazi, fascist, or racist”
  21. I know that exact feeling. Exact same situation.
  22. And, if you were brilliant (like me) you would have spent several thousand on hunting and trials training. And she would be great, a natural. Then spoiled to a fat sack of couch cuddles by wife and kids.
  23. Piper perri disagrees. Nazis again, if I had to guess. Astonishing. A group that cannot fix…anything, has that capacity. They can’t even fix the fucking highways and grid.
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