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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. Tons of other good YouTubers have always had good things to say about him. Dude seems grounded af for being broke to millions at 20 yo (outside of the schtick). I hate when he fucked up the good cars, laughed when he fucked up the squatted trucks, and thought it was pretty solid he didn’t take the plea deal in TN since his buddy didn’t get offered the same deal on the bullshit charge. Fuck, even when that dude stole all his shit he didn’t press charges. But yeah. Man, F8.
  2. I keep both a boat and an TT in one (when not hunting season). The guy we use has 3 different lots all within 5 miles of each other. 650 units. $175/per. There probably 15 similar places within a 10 mile radius, actually, probably more than that. I called on 10 places when I was looking.
  3. Change this to owned OBS 350 and I’ve got some stories for you.
  4. Apologies for not being clear. I feel that is what the govt is doing with this bailout. I'd rather them do something constructive - go buy the army some $10k hammers or something.
  5. Another way to put it; a few winners, and a whole bucket of losers. Policy in pure partisan fashion. Quantifiable losses. Suzy not being depressed anymore because she couldn’t handle adult life has not a fucking iota of shit to do with me. Well, other than wiping their ass with, then lighting my tax contributions on fire.
  6. Lol. He's not from Waco (Iowa), and this is probably the 20th car he's destroyed. Dude was one of the top YouTube monetizers for last several years. Destroying shit that makes people angry has been his schtick for a long time.
  7. Easy to say while starting off with an advantage most didn't have, I can only assume. Me, I've already paid for college a couple of times. But I'll take your word for it while you stand on that pulpit. I agree. Politics is what it is. I hope the other side has something down the line. Until then, I'll just keep paying for every fucking Democrat's tuition.
  8. Don't. Enter. Debt. You. Can't. Handle. The govt. is picking winners and losers in a very partisan fashion. Something everyone of you motherfuckers has whined about as long as I've been on these boards. The fact it's loaded up votes for your party this time makes it OK. I would feign surprise, but come on.
  9. Luckily for us, this is just a terrible opinion of yours. I can't imagine what else the low earning takers could possibly ask for. Was food, housing, and now college education not enough? For existing? For fucks sake. Cool, so you could see how that since I missed that window, and am now paying for college for a third time in 20 years, someone in that timeframe would not be happy about it? Tack on the fact its partisan af and there you have it. Lol. Call me what you want, I could not care less if I tried. But not being able to make my bills because tuition is so unfair! is one you can't have.
  10. I would love nothing more than for them to eventually meaningfully contribute financially to society. They can start by paying for someone randos college debt.
  11. Maybe if everyone had your experience, they wouldn’t feel that way?
  12. And let's not forget, the ones below the middle and upper classes who literally can't feed themselves with out it.
  13. Well, you would be correct. Now imagine needing to have welfare granted to you twice.
  14. Nope. They were being paid back without issue, as you'd expect a college educated adult to do. I didn't pick her up out of the gutter, after all.
  15. Guessing this freed up some good 12thman money for you, huh? cool, cool.
  16. How in the fuck would I know that? Graduated at 22, were paid off when we got married at 27.
  17. We are hiring kids out of school at nearly double what I made coming out ~15 years ago. I'm pretty fucking sure that extra 40k isn't eaten up in their school loans. But sure, we're completely fucked. ledge, rah rah. Let's let the folks that DID figure it out pay twice, or three times. MAYBE, if we need the old midterm bump, we can pay a 4th and 5th time for those who have it so hard.
  18. How fucking old do you think I am? No, I was part of the tuition went way the fuck up between freshman and senior year group. And my wife falls squarely into the taking care of people instead of making good money group, so I feel like I've got the bases covered. Somehow, she was able to pay off her debt. with out asking you for a cent. Crazy, I know. Oh noes.
  19. Of course. But people strive to be rich. No one wants to be so incompetent that they are unable to do something as simple paying back some school loans. Bullshit. idgaf what degree they got or how that decision affected them down the line. I just wish our country wasn't made up of so many people that can't handle their shit. To be honest, it's more depressing that anything. You assume someone that can make it thru college can figure it out. There's always the folks that can just never make it that need assistance, but you'd think with a college educated person...
  20. Also, better hope he doesn't catch the "flu" again. Could easily take him out of 10% of his time at aggy with each "flu".
  21. I've always, unequivocally been a proponent of following our firearm laws. Your opinion. I feel exactly the same about you. That's sort of how that deal works. Justify it how you want. It's buying votes. And "recent college grads" is misleading af. There's several posters on here that are getting the benefit that aren't "recent" grads. And in what world is gaining 3% of any demo with your oppositions tax dollars not worth noting?
  22. Meh. Couple hundred bucks a year from people like me to know I'm not fucking welfare trash is worth it. Can't imagine the mental gymnastics needed to sleep at night. Then again, if easy shit like loan repayment couldn't be figured out, guessing deep thought in regards to ones true standing is probably a bridge too far.
  23. You don’t understand what I was saying? Let me help. Apparently, we have a bunch of people who can take out loads of debt, but not fulfill their end of the bargain. Stupid, lazy, hell, you pick the reason why. Can’t get rights. No matter what they do, they cannot get their shit in order. Our president, in a pretty brilliant political move, has purchased the votes of these walking albatrosses of society for the foreseeable future. While throwing a middle finger to those who were able to crack the incredibly difficult case of…paying our bills. Politically, an outstanding move. A class of college educated welfare queens straight ticket voting D for the foreseeable future. So, the D’s really don’t need the lovey dovey bullshit anymore, just write the free shit army another fucking check and be done with it.
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